I want to live forever with you

12 4 16

Adam's: POV

Snow wasn't happy when she came home from school. "Is everything alright?" I asked worried. "Our school will have parents evening today and everyone must come." she said. Flower licked her hand to calm her down.

"We're with you and everything will be fine." replied Jack. "Thank you." said Snow. "We'll always be here for you." I replied and she smiled. A few hours later we were on the way to our daughter's school.

We met her art teacher first. "Snow has always loved painting since she was little. She used to paint pink rabbits." I said. "Since when did she go from painting pink rabbits to drawing this?" asked Robert. He held up a painting depicting a vampire. "I have to ask, is Snow happy at home?" he asked. She gave us a innocent smile.


When there were a few minutes left of the meeting, I had to to get some air. A sweet scent filled my nose and I saw the school's caretaker.

He was young and handsome. I rushed up to him with a smirk on my face. What do you want?" he asked scared. "Don't scream." I said and looked into his green eyes. I bit into his neck and drank his blood. Then I compelled him to forget everything.


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"Jack, you having a nightmare?" I asked. "No. It was just a dream. It was a really good dream." he said. "Then why are you crying?" I asked. "Because I wanted it to be real." said Jack. "Tell me." I replied. "I want to live forever with you. I don't want to grow old and die." he sobbed. I gave him my blood and he drank it. Then I killed him. "You'll live forever my love." I whispered.

Adam turned Jack into a vampire

I hope you liked the chapter


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