The Seat

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Still Don't Know My Name- Labrinth
"Ooh- stranger."

Cassidy never believed in love. She thought it was a concept made up by people to make them feel happier about themselves. That was until she met him.

"Mom! Stop it!" She scoffs as her mom hurriedly brushes her shoulders off.

"No! Look, you have to look perfect for your first day at your new school!" She squeaks. Cassidy rolls her eyes, and at this, fear fills her mother's eyes. She isn't scared of her, per se, but she's seen her mad and did not want to risk that again.

"Just take the fucking picture!" Cassidy shouts. After her mom gives her a quick lecture about language, she pushes her against a blank wall and has her pose for first day of school pictures, like she always has. Every. Single. Time.

Her mom is a traveling real estate agent, meaning they are always moving. Her phone is crowded with "first day" pictures, which mostly consists of Cassidy's blank smile forced into various poses. Cassidy always wondered when the "first day photo" would be her last, but eventually stopped hoping. That would seemingly never come, no matter how desperately she wished so.

"Mom! I have to get to school!" Cassidy groans as a few snaps come from her mothers phone. Her mom rolls her eyes, and leads her to the door.

"Be safe! Make friends! Have fun! Don't talk to strangers!" She manages to ramble out before Cassidy thankfully shuts the door.

School isn't far from her house, only a 3ish minute walk. Her mom went over the walk with her thousands of time with her to make sure she wouldn't get lost. Even a walk in the cool September weather sounded better than a car ride with her over-protective, overly nervous mother.

She sighs as she runs her hands up and down on her soft backpack straps. Taking a look around, she smiles and breaths in the dewey air. Thick, leafy trees guard the small, chalk littered sidewalks. As much as she hates to admit it, Reach is really pretty.

It's a far move from Arizona to Illinois. Not just the drive, but the lifestyles. Cassidy's always hated the heat so she's happy for the breeze that's blowing through her hair.

She strolls up to her new school, taking a deep breath in and walking inside. She's done this a million times, but for some reason, this feels different.

She pulls out her crinkled schedule from her back pocket. Room 118, homeroom with Mrs. Dale. Taking a peek through the proud green lockers, she spots door 100 and continues down the long hallway.

The school is small, much smaller compared the the ones she had been to before. Nerves creep their way into her stomach as she reaches room 118. With a deep breath, she pulls open the door and walks inside.

Everyone turns to look at her. It's a small class, 18 people at most. Cassidy walks shyly to the teacher that is standing at the front. She is a younger woman with dyed purple hair and glasses that perch on her nose.

"Hello, class, meet our new student, Cassidy Rivers!" She introduces Cassidy with a white-toothed smile. Cassidy waves at everyone as they greet her with polite hellos.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs Dale offers.

"Sure," She takes a small step forward, "Hi, I'm Cassidy. I move around a lot, but I'm originally from Kansas. I'm 17, I like dogs and Kpop. The Sims 4 is one of my favorite games, and I watch pretty much every TV show. So, yeah..." She trails off, realizing that she had shared way too much.

"Thank you, Cassidy, and it's nice to meet you! How bout you take a seat next to Amara and Taylor? Also, Addison who's sitting in front of you," Mrs Dale points.

Cassidy starts to walk towards the seat that Mrs Dale had pointed towards. In the seats next to it were two girls. One has long braids that reaches the small of her neck with a really cute outfit that consists of a dark purple dress and stockings. She's stunningly pretty, and definitely the 'hot' type. She wouldn't be surprised if all the guys are drooling over her. The other is a brunette with a pink T-shirt and black shorts. She sports a giant smile, and she's adorable. The brunette smiles at Cassidy.

"Hey, welcome to Reach," She waves as Cassidy sat down. Cassidy smiles back before the other girl starts speaking to her.

"Listen, this probably isn't the best of schools, especially since you've been to a lot. There's a lot of...bad people here," She says lowly as Mrs Dale carries on with her lesson. Cassidy leans in to hear her.

"What do you mean?" Cassidy asks.

"The people here...don't mess with them. Especially the ones in Enhypen."

"What's that?"

"Well, they're not really gangs, but that's the only way to describe them. There's a lot of them here, but they're the worst. Especially their ring leader, Ni-ki."

"Wait, so what do they do?" Cassidy whispers.

"Nobody really knows, but they're involved in some bad shit. Like, mafia type of stuff," Cassidy's eyes widen at the word mafia. The mafia in high school? No way.

"Wow, thanks."

"You're welcome. If we're gonna be friends, I gotta look out for you, right? The name's Amara, by the way," Amara smiles.

"Cassidy," They shake hands.

"That's my friend, Taylor. She's a little annoying, just a warning, but she's been my best friend since fourth grade. You'll like her," She points towards the brunette.

"Hi!" She squeals at Cassidy, and she waves back.

"Who's that?" Cassidy asks about the girl sitting in front of her.

"Oh, that's Addison. She's dating one of the members of Enhypen, Jungwon. She has a bad rep for dating him, but once you get to know her, she's really sweet," Amara explains.

"Thanks for telling me all this."

"Of course. Hey, wanna sit with Taylor and I and a few others at lunch?" Amara asks sweetly.

"Definitely!" Cassidy replies. Amara smiles warmly at her before redirecting her attention back to Mrs Dale.

Cassidy reaches into her backpack to grab a pencil, proud of herself for already making a friend. That's when the door opens.

A bunch of people gasp as the door swings open at a high speed.

"That's Ni-ki! He's in Honors because he's apparently, like, really smart," Amara tells Cassidy. Her attention is directed towards the man at the door.

To say he was attractive was an understatement. Cassidy couldn't believe her eyes as he waltzed into the room with full confidence as if he owned the school. Which, if he wanted to, he could.

Dark, fluffy hair fell in his eyes and looked messy in the best way possible. His face, God, it was just perfect. His facial features seemed to be made for each other, from his dark eyebrows to his full lips. Cassidy found herself shamelessly admiring him as he walked right into the room.

"Excuse me!" Mrs Dale shouts, crossing her arms and glaring at the handsome stranger. He rolls his eyes.

"Yes, late again, I know. Just mark me up," He brushed her off sarcastically. He then started to head to his seat. Which was...

Straight towards Cassidy...?

He walked right up to her. Why? What was he planning to do? Cassidy looked up at him, and they made world crushing eye contact. Ni-ki stares at her with annoyance obvious in his face.

"You're sitting in my seat."


Nothing really happens, I know. But I swear, it just keeps getting interesting, I promise! I'm planning for this book to be very long, much longer than planned haha.

This book is very cliche! I love, imo, writing cliches, they're just so fun. Ni-ki is also unbearable for a while. I found myself wanting to slap him several times.

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