Hate Me

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ceilings- Lizzy McAlpine
"And it feels like the end of a movie I've seen before."

Cassidy shakes her hands, trying to get rid of the nerves inside her as she watches the boy in front of her walk up the stage, shaking the Principal's hand as he hands him his diploma. She's next, and she's incredibly nervous yet so ready to graduate.

She smooths her graduation gown, shifting in her heels. Taylor and Amara had done her makeup for her, and she's even wearing heels. September her wouldn't even recognize herself. She watches as the boy shakes the hand of his teachers, smiling brightly at the feeling of being free.

She peers over at her friends in the audience. They spot her nervous gaze and give her thumbs up, especially Ni-ki. It's been a lot easier for him to smile, especially after the Spring, or otherwise known as the best time of Cassidy's life. The school work died down, she easily aced all her tests and she got to be with her friends as much as she wanted. It was amazing.

They've been counting down to this day. Graduation. Although that gnawing feeling had disappeared, she still feels nervous. All those years of moving around has led up to this.

"And now our Salutatorian, Cassidy Rivers," The principal says. As soon as he says this, a burst of cheers ignite from the crowd. Enhypen, lesserafim and her friends stand up, clapping heavily, cheering and shouting. With a smile on her face, she walks up the the principal. He hands her her diploma.

"Good job," He whispers, shaking her hand.

She turns back to the crowd. Her mom is standing up, holding a handkerchief, tears streaming down her face as she claps as hard as she can. They all snap pictures of her. Cassidy can feel tears of joy form in her eyes.

It's insane how this could've gone another way. Ni-ki sitting in the audience, brooding, having no clue who she is. But here he is, looking more proud as ever. It makes her heart swell with love.

The principal announces the Valedictorian, a nice girl named Kayla she has really gotten to know, especially over the last month with planning their graduation speech.

After the principal finishes speaking, he holds his hand out.

"And now for our top two graduating students, Cassidy and Kayla are here to give you a speech!" He says. Kayla gives Cassidy a thumbs up as she steps onto the alter. She's only supposed to start the speech, but she wants to make it memorable.

"Uh, hi. You may not know me, but my name is Cassidy. I moved to Reach in September. You may be thinking, 'It's not fair, she's only been here a year!' and, yeah, maybe that's true, but Reach has truly made it felt like I've been here my entire life. They saw my weird clothes and quiet demeanor and took me in and made me the happiest I've ever been. I don't know where I'd be without this school. Its changed me, honestly.

From the very first second I sat in my chair in Mrs. Dales' classroom, I had this weird feeling that I would belong here. And that's what happened. As much as I'm devastated to leave, I'm excited to see where life takes me. And it's scary, I know. Trust me, I hate change. But there's so much for life to offer. There's hate and there's fright, but there's also love and joy. We're on our own now, but we have each other. In twenty years, we'll all be separated. Maybe someone will be a fashionista in Argentina, and another will be a doctor in Kentucky, but no matter what, we all get to say 'I went to Reach'. That makes us connected, in a way. Because no matter where we are, we got to experience this place together. And that's perfect for me.

Thank you for coming tonight, and please give a big hand to our Valedictorian!" Cassidy finishes, stepping off as the crowd bursts into applause.

Kayla preforms a speech that doesn't leave a dry eye in the crowd, including Cassidy's. Even though they haven't been friends for long, Kayla steps off the podium and pulls Cassidy into a big hug. With a giggle, they run into the audience to their people. Cassidy stands beside her mom and Ni-ki, both hugging her.

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