Rocky Road

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Norman Fucking Rockwell- Lana Del Rey
"Cause you're just a man, it's just what you do."


I have never been talked down to my entire life.

Ever since I was born, people have catered to my every need. If I wanted a tesla for my 6th birthday, then hell, I got that tesla.

No one ever argued with me. No one ever told me I was wrong. No one ever talked back to me.

That was, until, I met her.

I walked into class, as usual, and there she was, sitting in my chair. As if it didn't belong to me. As if she ruled the damn school.

The worst part was, she won. She absolutely refused to move. And I hated that. I hated that power she had over me.

But, more than anything, I hated how absolutely stunning she was.

But I would never let her know that. Not now. Not ever. So, instead, I told her to stay out of my way.

Because if she were in my way, I don't know what the hell I would do.



One week later.

"How am I supposed to do this?" Amara scoffs, throwing her notebook across the room.

"Well, if you listened to the teacher, then maybe-" Taylor starts.

"Don't even start with me, Taylor."

"Yes ma'am," Taylor throws up quick hand salute before looking back down at her paper.

Cassidy takes a look around Amara's large room. It was filled with posters that varied from her favorite singers to TV shows. LED lights lined the trim of the walls along with other cute decorations scattered everywhere. The one thing Cassidy noticed, however, was her huge collection of books.

Cassidy stands up and wanders towards her bookcase, running a finger down the dusty spines.

"You can take one if you'd like,"Amara says before tackling Taylor over a stolen pencil.

Cassidy smiles lightly. She used to be a huge reader when she was younger, but due to all the moving, she never had time to keep up with all her reads.

Cassidy's heart drops at the thought of having to leave Reach. Her first week was fantastic, and her new friends were amazing. It was good here, and she was the happiest she had been in a long time. Plus, Niki, the stranger who had told her to "get out of his way", didn't go to school for the rest of the week.

Cassidy couldn't decide if she was happy or sad about that.

Definitely happy. Definitely.

"Listen, I know you two came over here to study, but I'm already bored of this. How 'bout we get some ice cream?" Amara offers, throwing her homework down. Cassidy and Taylor agree, desperate to get away from their work.

It wasn't a long walk from Amara's to the nearest ice cream place, and Cassidy liked that. Everything was close, along with the people. Although it was nearing late September, an open sign hung on the front of Cola's, the best ice cream shop in Reach, or so she's heard from Amara and Taylor.

Instead of walking inside, they resort to ordering from the little window on the side of the building. There was no one else there, fair enough, it was getting pretty cool.

Amara orders a twist on a cone, whilst Taylor orders strawberry with every sweet topping imaginable. Cassidy gets her all time favorite, rocky road with chocolate sprinkles. Whilst she's ordering, she sees a large limo pull up to Cola's. Strange that's there's a limo at an ice cream shop.

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