Absolutely No Drama

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All Too Well (Taylor's Version) (Ten Minute Version)- Taylor Swift
"Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place, and I can picture it after all these days."

Cassidy stares in shock as she sees Ni-ki across the field, standing beside his friends. She rolls her eyes in annoyance. She can't go anywhere without him being there. The big question is: why is he literally everywhere she goes? It's like he's a stalker or something.


I might be kind of a stalker.

I find out everything. Not much gets past me. I know what's happening, and when. I have men everywhere. So, it wasn't that hard to find out where Cassidy would be out of school. Hey, I have no shame.

I just want to talk to her. About the guy from the halloween party. Tell her she should be more careful.

But I already did that, didn't I? And that didn't end so well.

So I found myself wondering: Why do I really want to see her? All we do, every single time, is fight, fight, fight. She just won't back down from me, no matter what, and it's so frustrating.

Maybe, there's another reason, though.

I've never really known how to "get" a girl's attention. They've always just kind've thrown themselves at me. If I wanted a girl, or their attention, I would just walk up to them and smile and that was that. With her, it's different.

Maybe that's why I'm so mean to her. Maybe it's because even though it's bad attention, she's at least giving me some kind of attention.

God, I sound like a desperate little nerd.

Heeseung told me several times we just need to fuck. I agreed. There's no denying it, she's gorgeous. But would that really end our problems, or make it worse? I find myself thinking about it several times a day. Especially after the dreams I have about her. Yes, dreams, as in plural. I've had several, all from the library one to one that involved her and a car wash. Don't. Ask. It's so desperate, me dreaming about a girl like this. I kept thinking about pushing her away, but I can't. I literally just can't.

As for Sunoo, he seems happy these days. Of course he does, he lost his virginity to his crush of 3 years. Ever since I can remember, he's been obsessed with Amara. I've always made fun of him for it, but now I'm starting to understand his, quote unquote, "obsession". It's all sexual, though. Ha, as if.

Don't get me wrong. I still hate her, she still hates me. I just like her attention from time to time, that's all.

Ugh, gag.

I turn my head, pretending to be surprised as I make eye contact with Cassidy. As if I didn't have one of my men check the volunteer list to see if she was going to be there. As if I haven't been doing that with every. single. other. thing. she. does.

I need to stop. I really am like a stalker.


Cassidy bend down by an old swing set, picking up a cracked beer bottle and throwing it into her already halfway filled bag, and they have only been at it for about ten minutes.

"Man, Amara's been glowing these days. What I wouldn't give," Taylor laughs next to me, pulling some gum off of the ground. She looks around, searching for Ni-ki and his friends. They are by a few garbage cans. It's so strange; she would've never guessed they would be at a volunteer pickup of all places. They are all currently at the old, littered playground after the hippie instructor that wore sunglasses without lenses and smelt like weed gave them a speech about, "Earth is our home!!!"

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