Self Sabotage

932 31 14

Feather- Sabrina Carpenter
"I feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind."

Cassidy sighs, pulling her suitcase to the front door. A few specks of snow flurry down from above, but nothing insane to worry about it. Everyone has already filed inside, and she has no idea how everyone will fit in the small cabin. With Enhypen, her, and the girls, there'd be eleven people in a two bedroom cabin. It'll be a pretty interesting Christmas.

Shaking her head roughly, she opens the door, fumbling inside. Everyone had already started unpacking, their things on the counter and all over the floor. The cabin is small in a cozy sort of way. There's a few comfortable couches with a bunch of soft pillows and blankets surrounding a television. Across from the living room is a small kitchen, looking right out into the snowy forest. There's three other doors implanted into the wall. Along with that are small decorations; paintings, rugs, mood lamps and more. It already puts her in the Christmas mood.

"So, who gets the bedrooms?" Taylor asks out loud. Suddenly, everyone goes quiet. In a matter of seconds, everyone leaps from their positions, deciding to race to the bedrooms like children. Ni-ki hops over the counter, whilst Heeseung and Jay leap over the heap of bags. Cassidy follows, but she's at a disadvantage: she's closer to the door rather than the bedroom.

Cassidy rushes into one of the bedrooms. She watches as Taylor dives onto a bed and Heeseung is quick to hop onto the bunk above from her. Sunghoon quickly rounds the corner, and pulls himself up onto the opposite bunk with Jake underneath. Realizing the room is full, she rushes into the other one.

To her dismay, they're already filled: Addison and Jungwon in one bunk, Sunoo and Jay in the other. Ni-ki and Amara stand in the middle, rolling their eyes.

"So where are we supposed to stay?" Cassidy asks out loud, obviously annoyed.

"The couch and the space beside the fireplace. Have fun," Sunoo snorts. Amara gives him a death glare, and regret immediately fills his face.

"Great, I have to share with them," Amara huffs, walking out of the room being sure to push Cassidy's shoulder on the way out. She looks up at Ni-ki, who smirks at her.

"Yeah, just great." He retorts.

-A few hours later-

Cassidy sighs, finally sitting down. It's felt like forever whilst they set up, putting up Christmas decorations and setting presents under the tree along with just general unpacking. Everyone is gathered by the couches, sipping wine and humming to Christmas music.

"How 'bout we do something fun?" Heeseung suggests, cracking a smile. Cassidy recognizes that look.

"Like what?" Jay asks, immediately suspicious.

"Spin the bottle!" A few people gasp with excitement, and others sigh.

"Seriously? Are we ten?" Sunghoon says, rolling his eyes.

"Let's do it! That would be fun!" Taylor giggles, clapping her hands together, her bright pink bracelets clinking together. With a toothy smile, Jake empties a beer bottle with one swift sip and sets it down on the coffee table in front of him.

"It's Christmas, why not?" Addison laughs, leaning forward. After a bit of convincing, even the hesitant ones agree. With the night sky growing, Heeseung leans forward and spins it.

They all laugh out loud when they see who it lands on: Sunoo. With hearty laughs, the two lean forward, giving each other quick pecks and pulling away so quickly they almost fall over. Everyone doubles over in laughter as the two take a sip of their wine. Sunoo spins it too. It makes a satisfying sound as it lands on...Cassidy?!

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