Late Nights in Late October

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Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?- Artic Monkeys
"Now it's three in the morning and I'm trying to change your mind."

Cassidy watches nervously as Ni-ki strolls down the hallway, humming a song. He's holding an extra black T-shirt he brought and his shorts. This is definitely weird for Cassidy, probably the weirdest situation she's been in since she's moved to Reach, and that's saying something.

Ni-ki insisted on coming with Cassidy while she changed because "she wouldn't know how to take the shirt off properly," whatever the hell that means.

"Why are you nervous?" He asks in front of her. He's not even facing her, how would he know?

"Why would you be able to tell?"

"I've known you a while, Rivers, whether you like to admit it or not."

"It's been 2 months. Not even."

"That's a while."

"God, you're such an idiot."

"It's hot when you call me that."

"Should I call you Fatass Gorilla from now on? Would that 'turn you on'?" Cassidy scoffs at his ridiculousness.


"You're such a pervert," Cassidy rolls her eyes as they reach the bathroom. Normally, she would criticize Ni-ki about him going into the girls' bathroom, but that would just make her a hypocrite.

A good amount of alcohol is still on her system, and she stumbles through the door but is able to cover it up well. Ni-ki turns to her with his shirt.

"Look, you've gotta pull it up just at the right places as to not rip it. This is an expensive shirt," He demonstrates briefly with the shirt. Cassidy's drunk brain can't understand as he rambles about seams and sewing and whatnot. When he's done with his speech, he looks at Cassidy for acknowledgment.

"Well?" He waves the shirt.

"Uh, what?" Cassidy asks, rubbing her eyes. Niki rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Let me just show you," He walks up to Cassidy, not looking at her, and explains by grabbing the top of her dress by the seams, pulling it at an angle so it doesn't rip or pull. Cassidy listens, however, she sees this as a chance to maybe get a little revenge on him. As he's lightly pulling up the dress, Cassidy looks up at him through her thick lashes.

"Are you enjoying undressing me, Pervert?" Ni-ki gasps and lets go of her dress, but not before a raveled looking Amara stumbles in.

"What. The. Hell!" She screams from the entrance. Ni-ki jumps back. Cassidy, not really processing anything nearly as quickly as she should, turns to Amara. She looks like she has been through war and back. Her hair is wet, along with her costume, and she has little marks along her neck.

"It's not what you think-" Ni-ki starts.

"I really don't care," Amara laughs, her demeanor suddenly changing. She makes her way to a stall with her duffel bag. Her legs also look shakey, as if she can't walk properly. Suddenly, something clicks in Cassidy's head.

"So, where have ya been?" She asks smugly. Amara takes one look at her knowing eyes and embarrassment creeps upon her.

"Oh, uh, nowhere I guess," She stumbles over her words.

"Mhm. Tell me the truth," Amara looks between Cassidy and Ni-ki for a few seconds before sighing in defeat.

"Fine, fine! Yes, I was having...sexual intercouse," She lowers her voice on the last part. Cassidy laughs at her overly formal use of words.

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