His Revenge

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1 step forward, 3 steps back- Olivia Rodrigo
"Do you love me, want me, hate me boy I don't understand?"

-Two weeks later-

"Did you seriously change my wallpaper again, Taylor?" Amara groans, opening her laptop from across the table. Taylor giggles next to her.

"Yes. Yours is so boring so I thought I'd give it a makeover."

"A cat joke? Seriously? As my wallpaper? What are you, forty?" Amara sighs as Taylor argues with her over the wallpaper. Cassidy gives an empty laugh and opens her own laptop. Pulling her hair behind her ears, she sighs as she punches in her password.

Ever since the whole thing at Ni-ki's house, Cassidy's life went way downhill. They were luckily able to find the weirdo wandering in the middle of the forest a few hours after Cassidy let him go.

Sunoo was the only one who still talks to her and Amara. When they asked what they did with the man, he said "not to worry about it."

Cassidy feels horrible about the whole situation. She tried to apologize multiple times, and Sunoo accepted it saying that it wasn't her fault and there was no way she could've known. However, Ni-ki was and still is pissed.

They are right back in the same place before, except worse. After they got teamed up for the project, they started talking again. Although they usually fought, it wasn't like enemies like they had been before, it was like frenemies. They didn't absolutely despise each other.

However, now, after what Cassidy did, they were forced back into that 'enemies' position. Not even enemies. Ni-ki pretends like Cassidy doesn't even exist, as if she isn't there. It's like things were before, but now, he won't even look at her, talk to her, hell, even breathe in her direction. And that is way worse than any fight they've ever had.

With the two, it feels like they took 1 step forward and then 3 steps way back. After a few days of his behavior, Cassidy decided to do the exact same thing. Give him the exact same treatment. Ni-ki quickly changed partners in English and ended up working by himself, and Cassidy did the same. They both got A's, but Cassidy wondered if they could've gotten anything better if they worked together.

Cassidy opens her homework on google classroom. When they aren't at Amara's house, they usually study together at the local café, called B&B. It's a cozy little building right off of main street by the library. Sometimes they even go to Cassidy's, but never Taylor's. They never even suggested it, either, so Cassidy decided to leave it alone.

One of the things that remains consistent are her friends. They treat her the same, and constantly comfort her and tell her it isn't her fault, although she knows that deep down it is. She is beyond grateful for them.

About thirty minutes go by before Taylor shuts her laptop, groaning because she is bored. Wow, that must be a record for them.

"I'm done with this. How bout we go to the mall?" She suggests.

"There's a mall?" Cassidy questions, turning her head.

"Yeah, it's small but everyone goes there. Plus, we need to pick out our Halloween costumes!" Taylor squeals, and Amara joins in.

"Don't you think it's a little silly that we're dressing up for Halloween as seniors?" Cassidy asks, taking a sip of her steaming macchiato.

"It would be, if it weren't for the School's Halloween Lock-In."

"Another party? No thanks," Cassidy laughs, remembering the last one.

"It's not really a party. The classrooms hand out candy and everyone stays the night. It's fun."

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