What Do You Think?

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"Now you know my name."

"I have a really, really bad feeling about this," Cassidy murmurs, walking into the kitchen. Jay turns around, sipping from a glass of water.

"Ni-ki will be fine. He can take care of himself, trust me," He widens his eyes jokingly.

"Still, though. He hasn't answered anyone and it's been two days. He said he'd be home a while ago," She states, placing her bag on the seat next to her.

"That's true, he's usually pretty punctual when it comes to business stuff. If he's not back by tomorrow I'll call," He resolves and Cassidy sighs with relief, shooting him a smile.


"We have some guys that are going to check out Justin's today. I know you're worried about that," Jake's soft voice says from behind her, sitting down lightly. She looks over at him, and he smiles at her slyly. She sends him a fake smile. She still feels wrong about this whole situation, somehow.

"Okay," Is all she can utter before she rushes outside to the car.

-Later, at school-

Cassidy opens up her lunch at her seat, punching a hole in her caprisun and sipping it lightly. Peering around the cafeteria, Amara sits down in front of her.

"Sunoo looks hot at shit today," She sighs, taking a bite of her tater tot. Cassidy turns her head at her.

"Uh, okay? Isn't that like your boyfriend?" Amara profusely shakes her head.

"Hell no. I don't really do that anymore-"

"Hi," A voice says from beside them. Cassidy whips her head around, practically gasping at what she sees. It's Chaewon and Yunjin, standing above her.

"What do you want?" She immediately shouts, jumping back and remembering their last encounter. Chaewon waves her hands, signaling peace.

"No, no. We're not here to hurt you. We..." She trails off, biting her lip and turning to Yunjin. Yunjin sighs, continuing the sentence for her.

"Have you heard from Sakura?"

"No? Why would I?"

"Well, she left with Ni-ki, and we haven't heard from her since. She usually texts us, so..." She sighs. Cassidy's eyes widen.

They both haven't been heard from?

"Well, maybe-" They're interrupted by a small jingle sound, kind of like elevator music coming from two matching necklaces that Yunjin and Chaewon have on. They both look down, and the necklaces glow a light pinkish color. Their eyes immediately widen, and they turn to each other.

"What?" Cassidy asks urgently.

"We have all have matching necklaces for when we're in trouble, you press it twice, and they glow different colors based on the member. Black for Chaewon, purple for me, red for Eunchae, ivory for Kazuha, and-"

"Pink for Sakura," Cassidy comes to a realization.

Sakura is in trouble.

And Ni-ki is with her.

"Let's go," Chaewon says, and they start to the door. Cassidy immediately stands up, running to them.

"Wait, I need to go, too."

"Uh, no way. You have zero training. Plus, why would you want to save Sakura?" Yunjin asks, crossing her arms. Cassidy raises a brow.

"First of all: Ni-ki is with Sakura, and if she's in trouble, it means the same thing for him. Second, you might need someone who doesn't have any, quote unquote, 'training' to get into places you can't. And, I'm going, anyway. So either come with me or don't, I don't really care."

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