Hot Tub

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"Make your rain fall, cry for me but again."

Cassidy and Ni-ki walk into the hotel together, shivering as the lady at the desk smiles at them. Cassidy notices her checking out Ni-ki, slowly scanning his body with a lustful look in her eyes. She bites her lip, tapping on the computer in front of her. Cassidy rolls her eyes, somehow annoyed from this.

Ni-ki leans forward, completely oblivious to this girl and her obvious attraction to him.

"Two rooms, please," He asks casually. The girl giggles as if he's a comedian, twisting her brown hair between her fingers. Cassidy scoffs quietly. The girl taps on her computer, flipping her hair as she looks up.

"We're all booked, we only have a suite available on the fourth floor-"

"We'll take it," Ni-ki smiles, putting his credit card on the table. The girl laughs again, and Ni-ki laughs with her. Are they...



I'm not oblivious, I know when girls are flirting with me. They become all giggly and stuff, and that's exactly what this irrelevant girl in front of me is doing. I'mused to girls flirting, I mean, obviously. But, in front of Cassidy? Maybe it would be nice to see her jealous for a change. Just the thought makes me-

No, stop.

As the girl confirms the room, she keeps looking up at me, laughing and biting her lip. I can practically feel Cassidy's death stare on her, and it kind of turns me on. It's the way she's jealous of just one single conversation is so hot.

As the girl continues to ask me random questions, I look to the door, and a small group of college boys walk in. They're rowdy, joking with each other as they spot us. Obviously, one of them takes interest in Cassidy, looking her up and down and making a skeezy comment. Dickhead.

However, what happens next is actually shocking.

She reaches over, grabbing the boy and pulling him into a hot kiss. I watch as she grabs his hair, pulling him down and kissing him hungrily. There's little I wouldn't do for that to be me. Anger thrums through my veins as his buddies cheer him on, stalking away and the guy starts to grab at Cassidy, feeling her up. I want to kill him.

I look back towards the girl staring at me. Perfect, just perfect. I easily lean over the counter and grab the secretary's hand, acting as if I'm about to kiss her. I've held girls' hands plenty of times, but in front of Cassidy, everything just feels ten times hotter.

I peek my eyes over, looking at Cassidy who's still making out with the guy. She doesn't look at me, not once. Maybe she doesn't care.

I pull away from the girl carelessly, and she looks at me with a scoff. Cassidy breaks off from the guy, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him what seems to be the bathroom. Is she...?

"Are you going to shoot him too?" She spits at me as they both walk into the bathroom. Maybe I should be feeling angry, or like I want to murder the dude, which I do. But the main feeling that takes over my body is sadness.

Am I not good enough for her? This is something I've been wondering for a while. She's always kissing other guys, having sex with them, making me feel like there's something wrong with me. Maybe there is. Maybe I really am just not good enough.

West Coast- Lana Del Rey

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