Red Roses & Clicky Pistols

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Mariners Apartment Complex- Lana Del Rey
"They mistook my kindness for weakness, I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus."

Cassidy's feet fly by the sidewalks as fast as they can. There was no way she could get home in time, let alone the police. Her hair whips past her face as she takes a deep breath in. She can't slow down, for that could cost her mothers life.

She looks beside her to see Amara and Taylor sprinting alongside with her. Serious looks are planted on their faces as their arms swing to carry them along. Cassidy whips her head back around, pushing her legs to their absolute limit.

She needs to get home. The police need to get to her home. Her mother may currently be in danger. No matter how much she fights with her and gets annoyed with her, she still loves her to death.

They finally reach Cassidys house and they all take a deep breath in when they saw nothing but Cassidy's Mom's white Honda parked in the driveway. The tired group rushes up the front steps, bursting the doors open and locking it immediately behind them.

"Hey, sweetie, how was school?" Cassidy's mom shouts from the kitchen. There was no time to answer her, they could be here any second now.

They break off into groups to check every door, every window, hell, even every vent to make sure it was locked tight. Her mom still calls for Cassidy, but gives up when she never answers.

Once they ensure that everything was locked, they meet back up in the living room.

"Look for it. Look everywhere, no matter how weird it may be. Look in the garbage disposal, for God's sake," Cassidy pants. Her worried friends nod and take off in different directions.

Cassidy, however, has a feeling she knows where it is. She rushes upstairs, sliding in her shoes and taking a sharp right. She bursts into her room, and gasps.

Just had she had thought, there it was. A large, black duffel back sits on her light blue comforter. It looks so out of place against the liveliness of the rest of her room.

She closes her door behind her, locking in from the inside and taking a few deep breaths before creeping towards the bag. With shaky hands, she unzips it.

It was just as Addison had told her. Inside the duffel back was stacks upon stacks of money, along with what had to have been dozens of guns and a few miscellaneous papers.

How could he do this?

After Cassidy's little encounter with Ni-ki, he had somehow gotten this duffel bag into Cassidy's house. Jungwon told Addison about this, and she hurriedly told Cassidy.

Basically, Enhypen does some shady business with some shady people. And this particular bag was filled money and guns for one of Enhypen's clients, whatever that may be. Cassidy didn't have much time to ask questions.

So, all in all, Ni-ki put a bag that his clients desperately wanted inside her own house and sent them the address. Not just any client, dangerous ones, ones hungry for money and weapons. Ones that could easily hurt Cassidy and her mom.

So, just because Cassidy bumped into Ni-ki, he put her and her mom in extreme danger.

What the hell is wrong with him?

If Ni-ki wanted Cassidy to learn her lesson, then he sure did that. She was going to avoid him like the plague. He won this round, and all of them.

She really did underestimate Enhypen. She never realized what lengths they would go to for people who disrespected  them.

Well, lesson learned. She was going to stay out of his way, from now until forever.

And that's a promise.

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