The Janitors Closet

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FEVER- Enhypen
"Give me fever."

"Can you please move back? You're squishing me," Ni-ki complains, lifting his arms up.

"Where the fuck do you want me to go, genius?" Cassidy rolls her eyes. Ni-ki rolls his eyes back. It's hard to see him in the dark closet, but she can still see the outline of his messy hair and his annoyed look.

Cassidy turns around, looking towards the door. She presses her ear against it, listening for any sound of the librarian.

"Sounds like she's gone," Cassidy says.

"Then open it."

"I am. Jeez, were you ever taught patience?" She grabs the knob, twisting it. It clicks. She jiggles it some more. Nothing. She slams against the door, trying desperately to open it up. As she realizes something, she rests her head against the door.

"It's fucking locked," She mumbles under her breath.

"No way," Ni-ki pushes Cassidy out of the way and into his previous spot. Cassidy crosses her arms, waiting for him to come to the same realization as she did. He slams the door, pulling on the knob. After a few minutes of this, he slowly turns towards Cassidy as she raises a brow.

"Yeah, it's locked."

"Like I said."

"Listen, there's no point in fighting. How do we get outta here?" He sighs, falling to the floor. Cassidy does the same thing. She presses her hand against her hair, looking for a bobby pin, but curses under her breath after she can't find one.

"I left my phone at the table. You?" Ni-ki asks.

"It's in my bag. By the table," Ni-ki scoffs at her answer.

"Of course. Just my luck," He stands up, pressing his hands against the walls, looking for a kind of vent or literally any way out. After he sees none, he sinks back down.

They sit in silence for a while, thinking about what to do. They slam on the door, call for help, anything they could think of, but nothing works. They keep pitching stupid ideas to each other that they know would never work.

"How bout we take a can of these cleaning supplies and-"

"No, Ni-ki. Just no," He sighs, frustrated by the whole situation. It is also getting really hard to breath in the closet. With the two of them in such a small space without any ventilation, it doesn't take long for the temperature to climb up to a point that has Cassidy's face soaked in sweat.

She can feel sweat running down her face, wetting her hair. She looks over at Ni-ki, who is fanning himself. He looks sweaty as well.

"Fuck this," He spits, and he suddenly reaches up and peels his black shirt off, throwing it to the side. Even in the dark, Cassidy can see the outline of his toned body. She looks away in shame of her own thoughts.

Cassidy sniffs, wiping her face off again with the back of her hand for the fifth time in the last ten seconds. Her hair starts to stick to her face and sweat is dripping onto her legs. Ni-ki notices her discomfort.

"Take your shirt off," He pants in the heat. Cassidy's head flicks up at this suggestion.

"No, are you crazy?"

"Rivers, just take the damn thing off. I really don't care at this point. You'll die from heat stroke," He snaps. Unwillingly, Cassidy starts to pull her shirt off.

"You'd probably like that," She says as her shirt is halfway off.

"Yeah, but I don't want to sit in a closet with a dead bod-" His voice is cut off when her shirt is all the way off. Cassidy planned to hold it in front of her as some type of cover up, but it is soaked in sweat and she decides to just throw it to the side instead.

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