Champagne Problems

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champagne problems- Taylor Swift
"Your heart was glass, I dropped it."

Champagne problems  
"A problem or dilemma that, when compared to issues of poverty, national disasters and war, are not all that big of a deal, but nonetheless provide individuals with issue that must be dealt with."

A large yawn washes over Cassidy, and she stretches awake, leaning up in her bed. Wait, not her bed?

The memories of last night weigh her down, and she can literally feel her shoulders sag. Not from just being betrayed, but from being the betrayer as well. Rubbing her eyes, she peaks over at Addison. She's at her vanity, brushing out her long brown hair with a pearly white brush. Cassidy reaches over to her plugged in phone, expecting a text from someone.

There's nothing, zero, zip. She had at least been expecting an apology from Taylor and Amara, but they couldn't even do that? Cassidy's eyes narrow in on the date. It's nearing Christmas already. How? Maybe it's because she's usually super happy around Christmas time, but lately she's either felt scared, worried, sad or guilty. Not a great combination.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Addison beams from her mirror, turning around. Cassidy peeks at the clock. It's only 9 AM, which is early for her, but maybe late for Addison. She forces a smile at her before getting out of her bed.

"Do you wanna do something today?" She asks, reaching into a drawer beside her bed. Cassidy shrugs. Usually, on weekends, she hangs out with Sunoo or Amara or Taylor, but those are obviously not available options.

"Something Christmasey. This is my favorite time of the year and I haven't done anything to celebrate," Cassidy jokes, stretching her arm up. Addison turns to her with a bright smile, snapping her fingers.

"That's perfect! How 'bout we go ice skating? It's one of my fav things to do," She explains, waving her arms around in excitement. Cassidy has always loved ice skating: she'd remember how her and her mom would go with cups of hot chocolate in there hands, and her mom would dip her mouth in the melted marshmallows so it gave her a mustache. Cassidy giggles when she remembers how hard she'd laughed. Plus, she's pretty good at it, in fact, she's good at most winter-coordinated sports.

"Yes, I love ice skating!" She beams. Addison lets Cassidy borrow some of her clothes, including a thick sweater, leggings, a jacket, scarf, hat and gloves, along with doubled socks. She is not risking getting cold.

Addison leads her to their family car, a large black minivan. She gets in, starting the car as Christmas music blasts through the air.


My eyes fly open, and I groan, leaning over to the clock. It's already 11AM. I never sleep this late; I'm usually so punctual. But I couldn't sleep last night; my brain was clouded with thoughts.

I peel my covers back, dragging myself into the bathroom. I peer into the mirror, dragging my hands down my face until my face becomes long.

What is wrong with me?

I don't understand, I really, truly don't. Why him and not me? Seriously, what is wrong with me? Like, I get it, I'm an absolute dick to her, but that doesn't deny our connection. I know she can feel it, I can feel it, too. Every time I see her, my heart skips a beat. We have so many moments, so many where all I want to do is kiss her. I know she does too. Her heart beat, her flushed face.

So why did she go to him?

I've never, ever told anyone about the stars thing. I trusted her. Yet she went behind my back like that.

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