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Die For You- The Weeknd
"You hate that you want me."

"You're sitting in my seat," The stranger says. Cassidy feels her breath get caught in her throat. That's when she decides something: new school, new her. She isn't taking people's shit anymore, especially when she's basically been a doormat all her life.

"It doesn't belong to you. There's no assigned seats," She breaks eye contact with him, crossing her arms and staring straight ahead. Collective gasps are shared amongst the classroom, and she could've sworn she even saw Mrs Dale's eyes widen for a moment.

The stranger's stare burns into her, but she refuses to look. She won't give him that satisfaction.

"That's my seat, though," He remarks in a deep voice.

"Not anymore," Cassidy shrugs. Ni-ki seethes next to her. All of a sudden, he picks up her entire seat with one strong hand, forcing her out of her seat.

"What the hell do you think you're doi-"

"Move." He demands. Due to their positioning, they find themselves uncomfortably close to each other, so much so Cassidy could smell his manly yet intoxicating cologne. Just using one, singular word, the whole class goes silent. Everyone is watching to see what Cassidy will do next. They expect her to back down. I mean, this is the most feared guy in school. Right?

"No, I was here first. So, I suggest you find another seat or fuck off." Cue another collection of gasps. Even Ni-ki's face is filled with shock for a split second before it falls into anger once again. He stares at her so intensely that Cassidy can feel sweat forming on her face.

In room 118, tension is so high that it could be cut with a knife, especially the air between Cassidy and Ni-ki. Finally, after what seems like billions years but in reality was only a few seconds, Ni-ki pulls away angrily and plops down in a seat in the back of the class. Everyone immediately turns to Cassidy with celebratory smiles.

Feeling proud of herself, she sits down, flipping her hair and sharing a look with Amara.

"You owned his ass! Okay, I officially like you," She giggles.

The rest of the day continued without much incident, specifically with Ni-ki. He gave up his angry staring at her in 2nd period. Since the school was so small, the rest of her classes were with the same people. She found herself loving her new friends. They already had, like, a gizillion inside jokes and she found herself laughing often, something she hadn't done in a while.

"Taylor, you can't just pour random stuff into- Oh shit!" Amara screams as Taylor pours a random chemical into their bubbling beaker, causing a mini explosion. Amara and Taylor become caked with ash and soot. Taylor is giggling whilst Amara stares at her with a look that is filled with nothing but anger and death.

Cassidy giggles at them. They were currently in science, and they had convinced the teacher to let them have a group of three. After Cassidy finishes her laugh session at the two, she reaches over to grab a towel but bumps into someone's hand on the way.

Cassidy looks up to see it was Addison. She had been forced to work by herself. Amara was right, she did seemingly have a bad reputation just for dating someone.

"I'm sorry," Cassidy apologizes.

"You're okay!" She replies sweetly. Cassidy considers sparking up a conversation with her, but Addison turns away before she can do so.

"Taylor, I am going to kill you," Amara screams. Taylor hurriedly runs out of the room whilst Amara follows her, not running at all but still scarily enough to make Taylor scream in fear as she sprints down the hallway. Cassidy laughs. Maybe Reach won't be so bad after all.

Finally, it was time for lunch. Cassidy was telling Taylor and Amara a story from her old school when they finally reach the lunchroom.

It was small, like the rest of the school, with benches lined up and down the room and proud wall paintings everywhere.

"Our table is right over there," Amara points towards a table in the middle of the room, "You go ahead and sit down, Taylor and I will grab lunch," She explains as they walk off towards the growing lunch line.

Cassidy walks to the directed table. A few other people were already sitting down. They consisted of two boys and two girls. They introduce themselves as Elliot, Westley, Melanie and Ivy. They are all nice to her as well, congratulating her on her earlier confrontation with the most feared man in school.

How was everyone at this school so nice? It might actually be difficult to leave, unlike the other places. Cassidy has had friends before, but they didn't feel genuine. This felt real. She felt happy with them.

As Cassidy pulls out her lunch, she feels a pair of eyes on her. She places her lunch pail on the table before looking around, searching for the mysterious watcher.

Finally, she catches them, and her heart drops when she realized who it is. Ni-ki.

He stares at her, which he has done several times already, except this time, it isn't with anger. It is something else that Cassidy can't identify, but it still sends goosebumps down her arm.

His thumb is resting on his lip, pulling it down slightly as they make eye contact once again. Once they do, he doesn't look away. A boy next to him slugs him in the arm, laughing at something.

He still doesn't look away.

The boy's eyes direct towards Cassidy as well, watching their intense eye contact. The boy says something to Ni-ki, and he finally looks away, bringing his head down as his thumb pulls his lip all the way down before being placed at this side. Cassidy still stares at him with admiration. How can he be so bold?

Cassidy is forced to look away when Amara steps in front of her to sit down.

"Yes! Tacos!" Amara celebrates, throwing her lunch tray on the table, causing lettuce to fly in the air. She sits down and starts to ramble about, well, to be honest, Cassidy isn't sure about what.

She is done with the stranger and his rudeness and his anger, but she wants just one last peek. Without moving her head, her eyes smoothly roll over to look at him.

He is laughing at one of the boys across from him. His smile flashes at her as his eyes and nose scrunch up in joy. He takes his hand and pushed it through his hair. Cassidy could feel her heart jump as he did so. Strange.

The rest of lunch happened without any dramatic events. Cassidy found out that Amara and Taylor loved to chat. Which she didn't mind, she was always more of a listener.

Towards the end of the period, she saw someone get up in the corner of her eye. He seemed to be everywhere, now, but it was Ni-ki. Maybe she was just noticing him more.

He stands up, picking up his tray and walking towards the trash can. He steps over one of his friends, then starts walking straight towards Cassidy's table.

Wouldn't it have been quicker to go the other way?

Once he got close enough, he pretended to bump into Cassidy. But, it felt more than bump. The side of his arm was thrown back as his black windbreaker rubs against her. She can smell him, once again. Her breath heightens.

"Stay out of my way, New Girl," Ni-ki says low enough so she could only hear before walking away and towards the garbage can. She took a deep breath in.

What is this guys problem?


Seriously, I warned you! He's super rude. After this chapter...it just gets crazy.

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