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we fell in love in october- girl in red
"That's why I love fall."

With her mouth open, Cassidy stares ahead at Ni-ki. She's never seen them more serious before, and it's not like she has a choice. What if they want her to kill someone? Holy shit.

What if they want her to kill someone?!

Fiddling with her nails, picking at them, she waits for Ni-ki to tell her what's in store for her. He takes a deep breath, leaning forward and folding his hands together.

"We've been having some...trouble with one of our clients, which is part of the reason we've been missing school. We can't tell you the full story because of...'legal' reasons, but basically we made a sort of, let's say, 'exchange' with a client and he took some very important paperwork from us, paper that if it were leaked, it could very well destroy us in many more ways than one. And, well, recently this client threatened to leak this paperwork if we don't give them more of inventory from the 'exchange'."

"And? What does that have to do with me?" Cassidy crosses her arms. Ni-ki rolls his eyes at her impatience.

"If you would wait, you would know. Anyway, we've done many secret missions and sent our best men to get these papers, but this man has very high tech technology and security measures that are near to impossible for us to get through. Us," He says, excentuateing the 'us'.

"Okay," She urges him to go on.

"Maybe, it would be easier for you. We don't exactly have any women on our team. That's where you come in. We believe that if you can seduce him and get him to bring you into his house, you'll be able to steal the papers back. This is very dangerous, however, it may work because you have no connections to us when it comes to work."

Cassidy drinks his words in. She's always ready for an adventure, well, to an extent. This would be dangerous, but it's not like she has a choice. Still, though. This could risk her life. She has no idea who this man is and what he's capable of-

"We'll pay you five thousand dollars."

"Deal." She says with no hesitation. There's nothing she won't do for five thousand dollars. That could solve so many of her mom's financial problems, not to mention how many personal items she could buy.

"Good. We'll send you the details soon. Don't back out of the deal, or else we will keep up on our promise."

-That thursday-

Cassidy stares down in horror as she sees an email from an unknown person. She's been expecting some kind of contact from Enhypen about the whole...thing. But definitely not in an email, it's like they're fifty. It definitely fits them, though. She imagines their only social media to be, like, Facebook or something.

With a slightly shakey hand, Cassidy clicks on the email, hoping it isn't a scam. She can tell it isn't, the email reads: She wonders what the numbers mean, but ignores it as she scrolls down. Rolling her eyes at the professionalism of the email, she starts to read through it carefully.

Dear Miss Cassidy Rivers,

Hello. We have been informed that you have agreed to a very private and secret job. By agreeing, you oblige to not tell ANYONE, for doing so could end in consequences. The following are the extra details of the assignment. Please read through carefully, for the act of not doing and/or breaking a rule is not allowed.

RULE ONE: This assignment, otherwise known and expected to be called PROJECT ARTIST, will take place on the Friday of November 30th, and you are expected to arrive at the headquarters of ENHYPEN at approximately 4:30 PM, at the address ********. Arriving any earlier or any later is not allowed. From the ENHYPEN house/headquarters, you will be given a ride to the destination. This destination will remain disclosed until further notice.

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