Tantalizingly Slow

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bad idea right?- Olivia Rodrigo
"Seeing you tonight, it's a bad idea right?"

Cassidy turns her head as the boy touching her freezes in fear. His head slowly turns, for he realizes the voice too. He knows he's in trouble.

The two watch as Ni-ki stomps over to them, looking really pissed. Cassidy's seen him mad plenty of times, but never this mad. Even more angry than when she kissed Jongseob, and even when she let that guy escape.

The guy seems to accept his fate because he simply just lets go of Cassidy and puts his hands up. Niki throws a chair by his chair, flashing  Cassidy his infuriated eyes. She wouldn't wanna be that guy right now.

"Listen, man, I didn't mean any harm-" Before he can continue, Ni-ki punches him right in the face with one being fist. Cassidy screams in surprise lightly as he does so. Suddenly, everyone's looking at them.

The guy gets knocked out immediately after Ni-ki's hard punch. Jeez, he's strong, and it looked like he put little to nothing into the punch.

The guy is on the ground in a matter of seconds, his eyes closed as blood rushes out of his crooked nose. Still, though, Ni-ki climbs on top of him and starts punching him as hard as she can with his strong fists. His limp head moves side to side as Niki screams insulting names at him. Wow, even Cassidy feels scared of him. Not even the teachers dare to move to try and stop him.

Cassidy watches for what feel like years as Ni-ki continues to brutally beat the man up, his fists moving at an impossible speed. When he starts coughing blood, Cassidy decides that he has gone too far. However, she can't just get in between them. It isn't her place. So, she shares a look with Sunoo and he understands immediately.

He runs up to Ni-ki, pulling back his shoulders.

"C'mon, man, he's had enough."

"No the fuck he hasn't. I'm going to kill him," He yells. Sunoo tries to pull him back, but Ni-ki's too strong. It's strange, just a few weeks ago, this whole ordeal was reversed.

Sunoo motions towards his friends, and Jake and Heeseung step forward to help. Taking three strong men, they're finally able to pull Ni-ki off of the guy, flailing as they pull him out of the cafeteria. Some people rush towards the guy, making Cassidy almost mad. Didn't they know he deserved it?

He looks really rough, though. His face is covered in bruises, so much so it looks like it his natural skin color is purple. His nose looks broken, and blood gushes from about everywhere. He seems to have trouble breathing as he wakes up, gasping in pain, looking around to see what had just happened. After the first punch, he may not have even realized what was going on.

He looks around in surprise as people surround him. Cassidy makes eye contact with him, holding herself with her arms. He gives her a stoned, scared look before turning away. It's safe to say that he is never messing with Cassidy again.

All of a sudden, she doesn't want to be there anymore. The alcohol starts to melt into her senses, taking control. Giddiness fills her as a fuzzy feeling fills her brain. Suddenly, she doesn't feel bad about drinking so much anymore. In fact, she reaches for another cup. No one knew she had anything to do with the situation, so the only person that is paying attention to her is the injured guy being held in teacher's arms as he stares at her with astonishment that she is acting so casually.

"That was insane," Addison breathes beside her. She hadn't really seen what happened either. Cassidy almost forgot she was there.

"Yeah, it's like, why would he beat some guy up for no reason? Like, it's crazy, right?" Cassidy slurs over her words. She must have been tipsy before, because now, she is full on drunk. Addison looks at her in concern as Single Ladies by Beyoncé starts to play on the speakers.

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