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Party Monster- The Weeknd
"I just need a girl who gon' really understand."

"Wake up!" Taylor mutters groggily, shaking Cassidy. Groaning, Cassidy leans up, looking around her. She completely forgot she is sleeping over at Amara's. They stayed up late, gossiping and playing games, so it's understandable as to why Cassidy is tired.

Taylor and Cassidy lay next to each other in Amara giant bed, while she slept at the end. Amara is already up, sitting at her vanity and smearing on some quick makeup.

"Hey, you two. Yesterday was fun. You guys got clothes?" Amara questions, leaning forward in the mirror to fix her lipgloss with the tip of her pinkie.

"Always keep extras here," Taylor reaches into Amara's closet, pulling out a cute pink dress and a matching cardigan. As she slips it on, Cassidy realizes that she doesn't, in fact, have clothes. She was so eager to get away from her creepy house that she left without anything.

After explaining this to Amara, she nods and lets Cassidy look through her drawers, where her more daily outfits lay. The thing is, though, Amara always dresses super fancy for school: her outfits mostly consisting of tight skirts and cropped shirts. Cassidy has always been more of a converse with low rise jeans kind of dresser.

After finding the longest skirt she can find, she pulls on a brown blouse and the shoes she brought along with thick stockings. She also steals one of Amara's leather jackets. She looks at herself in the mirror, surprised at what she sees. She can't understand how Amara does this every day, Cassidy feels it's necessary to feel comfortable at school.

"Wow, you look hot!" Amara exclaims, peering at Cassidy as Taylor hurriedly agrees. Looking at them uneasily, she crosses her arms as they head out the door and to school.

Everywhere in town is decorated with halloween decorations, from houses to stores and even the school.

"Oh, shit! There's Sunoo!" Amara screams, hiding behind Taylor as they near the school.

"You can't hide from home forever. Plus, I thought it was good sex! What's the big deal?" Taylor rolls her eyes. Amara's not a very good liar; and Taylor was able to figure out their little affair at the halloween party sooner rather than later.

"Yeah, that's the thing. I don't wanna mess things up between us. I don't want it to be awkward. I've been avoiding him for a reason!"

"It won't be awkward. Just talk!" She shoves Amara forward, pushing her with her one hand as she forces her to walk ahead. They finally reach Sunoo, who's leaning against the wall, chatting with Jay. He spots the group, though, jumping when he sees Amara.

"Hey, what's up?" Jay asks, smiling as he pushes himself off from the bricks. Due to their friendship with Sunoo, they all had gotten pretty familiar with all the members. Sure, people started treating them worse, but who cares? They greet him back.

"What're you guys doing later?" Taylor asks, glaring at Amara who is looking away.

"We're gonna catch a scary movie. Wanna come with us?" Sunoo asks politely, sneaking a glance at Amara before turning away.

"We didn't have any plans. How's that sound?" Cassidy asks the others. Taylor and Amara agree to it.

"Perfect! We can stop at a haunted house too!" Jay smiles creepily. They all share a laugh before walking away. However, Taylor's smile drops as they turn around and she pushes Amara.

"What the hell was that? You didn't even speak to him!"

"Hey, careful! Maybe you should stop interfering with my love life!"

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