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Given-Taken- Enhypen
"Given or taken?"

Cassidy sits down next to Amara in her normal spot, shooting her a quick smile as she scoots into the cold metal seat. She pulls out yesterday's assignment, sighing at the looming thought of doing work. Reach doesn't have a holiday break until after Christmas, and Cassidy is already clocked out of the thought of school, especially after her adventure on Christmas two days ago.

"Hey, Cassidy! Are you busy on New Year's?" A voice asks from above. Cassidy snaps her head up to observe Ivy and Melanie standing in front of her. Ivy is holding a pile of envelopes, all a pearly white with gold italics engraved across the pretty paper. Cassidy racks her brain for plans, but she can't find any.

"No, I don't think so," She resolves, tapping her pencil against her chin. Ivy sends her a large smile.

"Great! Then, you'll come to my party!" She hands her an envelope, and Cassidy smiles as she takes it.

"Can she come? And her?" She asks, pointing at Amara and Taylor, who sit there with big fake smiles to convince their friend to give them an invitation. Ivy giggles, handing them one as well.

"Of course."

"What about Enhypen?" Cassidy stupidly suggests. She had forgotten their reputation; just because they're more friendly now, mostly everyone in school is afraid of them. Ivy and Melanie's faces drop, Ivy's mouth opening and closing as if she doesn't know what to say. Amara and Taylor watch with shock.

"I, um-" Cassidy shakes her head.

"Sorry, sorry, forget I said that. They don't have to come," Ivy sighs in relief.

"Cool. See you all there!" And with that, they stalk away. Cassidy turns to Amara.

"Sometimes I forget about how-"

"How everyone in this school is a scardey-cat because of Enhypen? Yeah, I know," She rolls her eyes, causing Cassidy to laugh.

"It's understandable."

"Seriously?" Amara motions as Sunoo practically struts into the room, holding his binder which are full of pastel colors and stickers. Cassidy laughs.

"Yeah, sure, that's totally intimidating."

"Class, class, listen up!" Mrs. Dale claps her hands, taking the attention back of the noisy class. They all immediately turn to her.

"We have our official dates for our field trip. It should be sometime in March. We're going to Paris!" She exclaims, throwing on a French accent for the last word. Everyone clamors, turning to their friends as they freak out.

"Can you believe it? The fashion capital of the world!" Taylor squeals.

"Plus, tons of cute French guys for us!" Amara squeals, all of the girls tapping their feet in girlish excitement.

They get to go to Paris!!

-Later, after school-

"Thanks for driving me," Cassidy thanks, unbuckling her seatbelt. Jake sighs from beside her, parking the car. He watches Cassidy as she gathers her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

"No problem," He says softly, in a voice that she hardly recognizes. Biting her lip out of his peripheral, she turns back to him.

"Listen, I really don't want there to be tension between us-"

"Well, obviously, there is! I really like you, Cassidy," He confesses, turning to her with emotion obvious in his eyes. Cassidy shakes her head, looking down.

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