Blue Reindeer

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Margaret- Lana Del Rey
"When you know, you know."

So, you had a girlfriend?" Cassidy asks, kicking a rock with the top of her shoe. Ni-ki laughs, his face returning its normal shade.

"Yeah, I guess," He mumbles, as if not interested in the subject. Cassidy, however, pushes it: she wants to know who would be able to attract and date Ni-ki Nishimura.

"Who is she? Can I meet her?" She suggests, and he laughs again, but in a more demeaning way.

"No, unless you want to go to Korea," He explains, and Cassidy's eyes widen. Ni-ki had implied he wasn't from America before, but she assumed, like, Canada or something.

"You're from Korea?" She asks with a bit more shock than intended. Ni-ki shakes his head profusely, his black shiny hair shaking with it.

"No, I just moved there when I was younger," Maybe he really is from Canada. For some reason she can picture Ni-ki being obsessed with maple syrup and beanies. Then, she imagines him saying "zed" instead of z, and the whole idea shuts down. He seems like the type of person to be completely against that.

"So where are you really from?" She asks, pushing her hands into the sweatshirt pocket. He sighs, as if contemplating whether to tell her or not.

"Japan," He finally says, looking away from her. Cassidy smiles at him. She's never really had much interest in Japan, but she still thinks the culture is wonderful.

"Really? That's awesome!" She says, almost squealing. He looks over at her, smiling.

"Yeah, I was in born and 'raised' in Okayama until I was thirteen, and then I moved to After a year of unpleasantness, let's say, I moved to the states and that's around when Enhypen formed," He explains slowly, looking down.

"Your parents moved with you for work? When you were thirteen?" Cassidy questions. It seems a bit strange. Ni-ki laughs again as if that was supposed to be funny.

"No, they didn't come with me," Cassidy almost has to gasp in surprise.

"They let you move to a brand-new country by yourself? That seems a bit neglectful," Once again, he laughs, except there's an undertone of sadness.

"This kind of business that I'm involved in is pretty dangerous. That's why I tried to keep you out of it."

"Tried?" She cocks her head. He smirks at her.

"Yeah, 'tried'. That's your fault," He lightly nudges her with his elbow, causing her to giggle.

"So, can you speak Japanese?" She asks after a few seconds of silence. For some reason, the thought of him speaking another language seems so...attractive.

"Yeah," He says simply.

"Really? Say something about me!" She beams, jumping in place. His smile grows slightly bigger as he speaks.

"You are very pretty."

He says quietly in his native language, his voice deepening. Cassidy was, indeed, correct: it was extremely attractive, more than she ever thought it could be. The way his voice went husky, it just makes her go crazy. She clears her throat, trying to play it cool.

"What did you'd say?" She asks in a shakey voice.

"I said you're an annoying asshole," He says, and Cassidy can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not. She laughs.

"Seems about right."

-A couple minutes later, back at the house-

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