The Day The Stars Aligned

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Margaret- Lana Del Rey
"When you know, you know."


It's something Cassidy never believed in. There's no way humans could be made for each other: they're created, they grow up, work, and die, and that's the sad cycle. Especially for Cassidy. Moving her whole life, never feeling like she fit in. There was no where, no one for her. Sure, she loves her mom, but that's because she's supposed to. You're supposed to love your mom, because she's your mom, and that's just the conformities of society.

But him. He changed her.

Maybe everyone else was made to grow up, work, and die, but Cassidy thinks that her and Ni-ki were maybe a little bit different. Maybe, one of the stars that he's always adored, maybe they're from them. Out of the billions and trillions of bundles of gas up in the neverending sky, they were made from one of the same one. Little bits of star dust swirled around each other and flew down to Earth filled with sparkles and love, and they were each born. Across the world, a small girl in America destined to move around her entire life and a little boy in Japan forced into one of the most cruel industries imaginable.

Yet they still found each other.

Because, out of all the billions and trillions of stars, they were each others. And that's the very day when Cassidy started to believe in destiny.

It seems like their lips were made for each other. Every dip, every flake, every battle from their lives fit perfectly together, like a puzzle piece. Months. Months upon months of fighting, passion, tension, and love exploded all into this one beautiful moment.

The kiss is small, it's gentle. It almost could be described as a quick peck. They're testing the waters, and Cassidy is sure he can hear her heart beating from how full it feels. Finally, she thinks, after years of searching, she's finally found herself.

After a few lovely moments, they both pull away. Cassidy's eyes flutter open, and she watches Ni-ki's, and the tears from before haven't gone away, in fact, his eyes have even more tears in them. She looks down at his hands, and they're violently shaking filled with obvious adrenaline.

Lightly, as if he'll break, she takes his fingers, cupping them in her soft hands, and he almost immediately stops shaking. He looks at her again.

They just kissed.

Holy shit, Cassidy Rivers and Ni-ki Nishimura just kissed!

That's when Cassidy and Ni-ki simultaneously wanted more.  As if something snaps, their lips meet again, except this time it's hungrier, heated, and filled with desire as months of tension explode like a firework between them. Ni-ki's hand breaks from Cassidy's hold, sneaking up to the side of her head; holding her still as they kiss sloppily without a care in the world. Her hands roam his sides unsure of where to place them due to the abruptness of the kiss. It is crazy. What they are doing is absolutely crazy but pleasure consumes her.

She simply just can't get enough. It doesn't even occur to her that he's never even done this before, yet he's a far better kisser than anyone she's experienced. He gently pulls her hair with his fingers gently running through it to deepen the kiss, and she is in shock. His tongue easily slips past her lips entering her mouth she didn't reject it. The feeling is pure ecstasy. His lips are so soft and his tongue basically dances with her own. That, paired with his heavy lustrous eyes, makes it feel as if he has done with a million times before. How is he so good at this?

What else is he good at-?

Ew, Cassidy, gross! She lectures herself.

The way that he kisses her makes her melt in her place. She can feel butterflies form in the pit of her stomach, and her mind filled with one thought and one thought only, more. He kisses her as if she's the only girl in the whole wide world and the only girl he'll ever want.

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