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How to disappear- Lana Del Rey
"I know he's in over his head, but I love that man like nobody can."

Cassidy's shoes squeak against the grey carpet as she races after Ni-ki. After their...moment in the theater, he just got up out of no where. He looks stressed, too, like something is wrong.

"Ni-ki-" Cassidy's not sure why she's chasing him. Maybe he wants to be alone, but Cassidy has this feeling she's the reason why he's upset. He's much faster than her, even his speed walk forces her to job due to his height. Trying to deter Cassidy, he runs into the boys bathroom. He really should've thought that through, it's not like gendered bathrooms have stopped Cassidy before.

She bursts through the door, not even thinking of the possibility of other people in there. Luckily, there's no one, just empty urinals and closed stalls. Ni-ki's, deep breathing echoes through the bathroom as he leans against the sink, his head pointing downwards as to not look at Cassidy.

Speaking of her, she has no idea what to do or why she followed him in the first place.

"Are you okay?" She asks him.

"Since when do you care?" Cassidy opens her mouth to answer, but closes it when she can't find a good one. She's speechless. For the first time, she's speechless. Ni-ki takes a deep breath, hitting the counter and pushing himself up. Leaning against the wall, he crosses his arms and narrows at Cassidy.

"We need to stop."

"Stop what?" She questions, even though she already knows the answer.

"Doing stuff like...that. And the closet. And the bathroom earlier. And the halloween party, the shower. It's just...wrong."

"Why? The stuff we did wasn't even that bad."

"Maybe to you," Cassidy's stomach drops.

"What does that mean?" She asks. Ni-ki sighs, looking down as if contemplating something. A hot, red blush spreads across his face, more vibrant and fierce than any of the ones he's had before. This wasn't from being flustered, but embarrassment. Disappointment in himself.

"There's something you should know. I, um..." he trails off, but shakes his head and continues, "I know I may act like it, but I don't have a lot of experience, with, um, women I guess," At this, Cassidy bursts out laughing. With the look he was making and that ridiculous statement, she just can't help herself. I mean, it has to be a joke, right? Ni-ki is notoriously known for hooking up with every girl in school. But, as she catches her breath, she looks up at him and sees his serious face.


"Yeah. For some reason, I was given this fuck boy reputation, and kinda pressured into following it. So, I'd bring girls home, give them a few thousand bucks to stay in there with me and say she had a great time," He confesses to Cassidy, as if a weight was being taken off of his shoulder.

"So, you've never..."

"No, never. I've never even kissed a girl."

Ni-ki Nishimura is a virgin, five words Cassidy never would have thought of in a billion years.

There is no way in fucking hell that Cassidy has more romantic experience than Ni-ki. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. How he gets flustered so easily, especially when Cassidy takes control. Plus, how could he be, "The Most Feared Guy In School" if he can't even get a girl? As much as she wants to deny it, it all starts to click.

This would be a great time to fess up about her sexual inexperience as well, but something was telling her not to. Like she had to have this one thing over him, even if it was a little white lie.

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