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New Romantics- Taylor Swift
"The best people in life are free."

Cassidy pushes through a crowd of sweaty people with her arms. Although there are teachers all around, this doesn't stop kids from dressing up in the skimpiest costumes possible. Cassidy looses track of how many slutty nurses and cats she counted, along with boys dressed in nothing but small leaves and call their costumes "cavemen". Cassidy was worried that her dress is too short, but when she sees a girl dressed in literal lingerie with mouse ears on top, she decides to not give it another thought.

Sunoo's words ring throughout Cassidys head. Ni-ki wants to see her? Why? They haven't spoken once since the closet, even in tutoring sessions. He just sat down while Cassidy handed him the work, and the second it ended, he grabbed his bag and rushed out without so much as an acknowledgment.

As she pushes through the school, it gets more crowded and hot. Even more people are here than at Dixie's party, which was a lot. Cassidy spots freshmen and seniors alike, and finds herself wondering how the night will go.

Cassidy spots Heeseung and Taylor chatting by a water fountain. Cassidy is surprised to see that Heeseung looks like he's actually interested in what she's rambling about. Cassidy rushes up to them.

"Hey, have you seen Ni-ki?" She asks the both of them, biting on her nail.

"Yeah, I think I saw him for the art room. He wanted to talk to you," Heeseung says in a low voice. She thanks him and starts towards the art room.

After making it through the densest part of the crowd, she notices the cafeteria, meaning she is going in the right direction.

"Hey, Cassidy! Yeah, you!" A familiar voice shouts from behind her. Cringing when she hears him scream her name, she plasters on a fake smile and turns her head to make eye contact with Jongseob.

"Hi," She says awkwardly, subconsciously looking around for Ni-ki.

"I never got to catch up to you after, y'know..." He sends Cassidy a sly look. Cassidy knows why they had never gotten the chance to catch up after the party: she was severely ignoring him.

"Yeah, um, totally..." Cassidy laughs awkwardly, trying to look past Jongseob and to the rest of the hallway. That's when she sees him. Ni-ki, walking out of the art room and down the hallway.

Then Cassidy realizes something that makes her heart drop. Behind her is a redhead that is trailing after Ni-ki like she's a child and he's the ice cream man. Who is she? And why does Cassidy suddenly want to murder her in the most brutal of ways possible?

Jongseob is talking to her, giving an attempt to flirt, but she isn't listening. All she can do is focus on Ni-ki and his apparent romantic partner.

"So, what do you think?" Jongseob smiles weakly.

"Yeah, definitely. Look, I've gotta go," Cassidy leaves him looking confused behind her as she rushes to the two. She see them turn into an empty bathroom, and her speed picks up.

She can't reach the bathroom soon enough, and she rips the door open. Her brain is filled with anger, not allowing her to even think.

She doesn't see them at first, but she knows they're in there. Quietly, she opens the stalls one by one. Breaking the silence, Cassidy can hear giggling in the big stall at the end.

Taking a big breath, she takes her foot and kicks the stall. Cassidy severely underestimated her own anger, and the lock on the inside flies from its original place.

Ni-ki jumps, turning towards the door, and the redhead lets out a feminine scream. They are close to each other, too close, Cassidy thinks. Ni-ki is dressed up in a costume, which surprised Cassidy. He is wearing a Harry Potter costume, with a green tie signaling Slytherin. She's surprised because he doesn't seem like the type to even like Harry Potter, but he looks really good in the costume. Thoughts start to rush Cassidy's head but she pushes them back. The redhead is in a sexy fairy costume.

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