𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 32

370 21 6

Pov: ishan

I enter the dark room and the first thing I hear is ragged voice of someone's breathing.

A small smirk forms on my face as I see Rocky hanging upside down from the ceiling.

His hands are tied above his head that touch the ground since he is huge in his personality.

I mentally plause Kabir for his work.

Rocky is really smart. I wonder how Kabir managed to get him in this position in front of me that tok in a really good condition without any injury on his body.

When I told Kabir to leave him for me, he really took that to his head and probably would've gave him some pills before kidnapping him.

That motherfucker is really a talented boy while he just looks like a ball of sunshine just like ashi from the outside.

I shake my head and walk inside the room to which he jolts awake and starts wiggling as if it will help him get out of the ropes.

"Who is it?! " Rocky shouts and my eyebrows raise.

"Good energy for someone who is tied since last one day" I roll my sleeves walking further close to him so that he can see my face.

"It wasn't me, ishan. Your bloody father told me to do that! Please leave me alone! " Tears start pouring out of his eyes running down his forehead and into his hair because he is upside down.

"But you were working for me. Isn't it? " I try staying calm. I knew my father would do such thing just to spite me.

"I was. But he offered me what you would never so I changed my mind, ishan. Please I'm sorry. I'll take revenge for you. Please don't kill me! " His cry gets ugly and all i can see is ashi's face with the terrified expression that is enough to spite the rage inside me.

"How many hours did you leave her stranded there? " My voice as calm as the ocean echoes through the empty room.

The sound of my shoes creaking against the concrete floor fills the room and i take a step towards the weapons one of my men laid out for me.

A table full of all kinds of knives, scapels, screwdrivers and sharp spoons to probably poke out eyes.

I lift one knife and walk towards him , seeing him squirm in his position.

"You didn't answer me, asshole"

"Thirty minutes" He grits out through his teeth, probably cursing me mentally.

"Okay. Now I will torture you for thrity minutes before I let you go. From this world."

I drag the knife from his abdomen, slicing his skin open as the blood oozes out of his skin. The pressure of the knife is not that to kill him in a instant but enough to make him groan in pain.

"Ouchhhh" He shakes vigorously screaming in pain when I drag another line making a upside down v on his stomach.

I cut the v I made from between marking it a s "A". So that the body anyone sees gets to know he died because he chose to torture the woman I own.

" Just for that fucking bitch, you are making me suffer, ishan." He screams bringing his fisted hands to his stomach, making the blood drip on the floor right below his head.

Pure rage fills inside me on hearing him call her a bitch.

"What did you say? "

I slice open his bicep and let the blood come out now. The blood comes out more quickly, flowing down his hair on the floor making a pool around him.

"Kill me quickly. Don't do this"

He pleads now. Doesn't repeat his previous words but I heard it.

"You called her a bitch, right? "

I get up from my position and take a few step back and pick the gun from the table.

The palm of my hand stretched from cutting him open and the pain seers through the muscle but I ignore it.

I position my gun in front of his head and pull the trigger without any second thoughts.

"Your father-

His last words are cuttoff when I shoot him second time on the head and his eyes bluge out the exact moment.

My body stills when I hear steps behind me and I jolt around and aim at the source of the body.

I release a shuddery breath when I see it's Kabir.

" What the fuck was that , ishan? "

Kabir questions putting his hands in the pockets of his pants and walking towards me.

Motherfucker literally saw me kill a man without making a single noise in this dead silent room.

"What are you doing here? " I rub a hand on my face and drop the gun on the ground beside me.

"Just came to see why you wanted me to leave him for you. And wow! I'm surprised to see the anger you had just because he kidnapped your fake fucking wife" He chuckles.

He fucking chuckles. I hear the sarcasm in his voice making me even more irritated.

"Don't you fucking add a curse word in the same sentence as her name, Kabir. I won't tolerate disrespect towards my wife. " My voice stern enough to make his eyebrows go up and eyes glint in the small light in the room.

"Fake wife. I must add"

"What do you mean fake? We got married for real! "

"Temporary wife then"

His words make my blood rush to my head and all the words he is using is not sitting properly with me.

Her voice, her way of talking, her smile, her eyes everything is just fucking with my head.

"You must need to figure things out in your head, ishan. Otherwise killing men who look at her will definitely not be healthy for you. "

His words penetrate into my bones and confuse me even more.

I watch as he pats my shoulder and disappears out of the room leaving me behind

His words finally sink in and I realize what I just did.


I just killed him for kidnapping ashi.

For a woman.

My wife.

Who probably will never accept me as her husband because she deserves so much better than me.

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