𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 50

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Ashi's pov:

Ishan leads us towards his room.

My heart beats wildly abnormal against my chest as we take one step closer to our room.

Today might be the day when the feelings will turn into reality if something happens after we enter the room.

My emotions are all over the place and the smoke of confusion that was blurring my thoughts is finally clearing away as I can see myself fall for this man with every passing second.

Every action, every word her utters for me makes my heart flutter in a different way and all i wanna do is hide in his arms from the sorrows of this world.

When my parents died, I thought it was just a phase where my parents left me alone at our house and will return by a week or two. If almost felt like it. I never once saw their dead bodies. I was only told they're dead and none of their bodies were left to bring back home for the proper burial.

I hated the world with every fiber of my beind that time. Including god who made me go through that. I didn't deserve any of that and neither did I deserve today's accusations of being responsible for ishan's crash.

But the way he assured me that it wasn't me, brought peace to my heart and made me feel like life is still good enough to live.

I switch off my brain and let him take the lead for once. We enter the room to a clean neat room as if someone was here to clean up the mess deliberately.

"Penny for your thoughts? " Ishan pulls me inside, turns me around so that my back is against the door now and cages me in.

My heart beat never got a chance to slow down, especially with this man around me doing things fictional men do to their girls in books.

"Just a penny? I thought you're a billionaire, ishan. " I let out a tsch sound, my voice playful and breathless at the same time.

I look up to find the same amusement playing in his eyes but my eyes roam over his beautiful face and scratches that disappoint me.

"A cent for your thought then" I chuckle, bringing my hand up to his face, and I close my fist in the air, without touching it.

My hands probably have germs over them and I need to wash before I touch him or let him touch me.

"I'll be back. " I push him away, and make my way towards the bathroom and the clean scent of ishan's body wash hits me like a truck and it is the best kind of scent.

My intention of washing my hands goes down the drain and I hope in the shower, and my gaze falls on ishan's body wash, I reach for it , squirting some of it on my hand and rubbing it all over my body.

The excitement of smelling like him makes me giggle and I take care of myself, shave and condition my hair before hopping out and tossing his sweatshirt over my head and my sat in silk shorts under the sweatshirt.

While I change, I see blood coming out of my vagina and I let out series of curses and shed tears because I thought today might finally be the night when I get intimate with ishan and my period shows up out of nowhere.

All the unwanted cries make sense now. I use a pad since that was the only thing I carried as emergency while coming to india because it was initially "only one month" Trip.

I come out of the bathroom, slowly expecting ishan to be in the bed but he sits on the edge of the bed leaning behind with his hands behind him, legs slightly spread, gaze fixed on the door, now me.

I clear my throat and walk further into the room, straight towards his side of the bed where his medications and creams lie on top.

I take them in my hand, read the prescription and walk towards him with the tablets and a glass of water and feel intimidated by his stare.

"Eat" I put my palm forward for him to take the tablets but instead his leans forward, closing his mouth around my mouth, flicking his tongue on my skin so tablets get in his mouth.

The touch of his hot tongue on my skin felt too good. Nothing I've felt before.

He takes a sip of water and continues with his "no words just stare" Contest.

I twist the cap of the tube of the ointment and squirt some of it on my finger tip, leaning forward to apply but then his next move catches me by surprise.

He pulls me in his lap, my core perfectly aligned with his shaft and I feel him.

My legs are tightly around his outer thigs and he grips my waist in a painfully delicious way.

I suppress a moan and try playing it off.

Then ishan's hand comes up to push back my wet strans of hair and bring my own hand up to retouch his wounds.

Done applying, I stare at his face, in awe of his beauty and the perfection of his eyes. The deep brown eyes that are dilated to it's core make me want to look into them forever.

He lifts me up and uses my hips to move me back and forth and I let out a moan.

His one one goes into my hair, cradling my head and he leans in capturing his mouth with mine.

The kiss starts feverish, he doesn't kiss but eats me with sucking, nibbling and biting my lips and tongue.

My hips move accordingly without any guidance now as I start feeling myself towards the end. First time in years that I'll come without anyone trying so much for me.

"We cannot.. Not today.. " I manage to breathe out words between his wild kisses and he stills.

"Why? Are you okay? " His face snaps into concern for me and my Heart burns.

I too deserve this kind of love.

I pass a slow smile at him and shake my head.

"I just got my period. As much as I want to do this, I fear you have to wait a little more. " I smile again, blinking at him and Motioning with my index and thumb finger indicating the small time I promised.

My heart almost stops when I see him smile back at me.

"I have become a really patient man when it comes to you, ashi." He counters, leans in again and kisses me again.

His kisses are worth dying and I just know I'm addicted to them.

He falls on the bed, with me still on top of him and our lips glued together.

Ishan pushed us up and then we're in our places on the bed, with me still in his arms.

We lay there in silence , as he unintentionally runs his hand on my back.

I look up at him, my chin on his chest.

"How are you being so nice to me all of a suddenly? "

"I was always nice to you." He defends himself but I make a disagreeing sound.

"No you weren't, ass hat. You wouldn't even reply to my good morning when we were working together! " I push myself up on my elbows and wait for his reply.

"Okay, accepted. But I was very very patient with you when compared to what I was with others."

That's true but back then, it didn't signify that much to me.

"Yeah. Asking me to be your wife and not asking others is so patient." I roll my eyes, laying back in my place on his chest again.

"Okay fine. I didn't like you back then but I do now. Okay? " He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes.

I might stop breathing.

"You're accepting that you like me? Oh my god" I breathe out and he laughs followed by a sigh.

"I might've started liking you. But I'm just too scared to admit and the adapt changes that come with that acceptance." I feel a kiss placed tenderly on my forehead that I feel goes directly in that corner of my heart where all the other sweet things he did for me are forever stored.

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