The Nursery They Build You Part 1 (From Billy Loomis to Quil Ateara V)

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Billy Loomis:

Your dad is now making the nursery with the help of Stu while you are playing with your auntie Tatum

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Your dad is now making the nursery with the help of Stu while you are playing with your auntie Tatum. Billy is now finishing the final touches as Tatum came over and Billy smiled at you.

"She is all tuckered out." Tatum smiled

"Put her in the crib." Billy smiled

Tatum then carefully place you in the crib as Stu kissed her lips before she leaves as Billy begin to leave to do some work as Stu decided to take a nap on the couch. After your nap, you slowly wake up and yawned before stretching your back as you are in the crib of your new nursery as you let out a happy squeal as you are so happy that you have a finally have a crib to sleep as Stu came over and see you happy.

"Hello my niece, do you like your new nursery?" Stu cooed

You giggled and hugged Stu as Billy came over as you look at your dad before hugging him as well.

"You are absolutely welcome. Now that you have a crib, you got a bed to sleep in." Billy smiled

You smiled as you adore the nursery that your dad and your uncle made for you.

Stu Macher:

It is nighttime and you are all ready for bed as Stu came over and pick you up as he kissed your cheek as you giggled as your uncle smile at you

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It is nighttime and you are all ready for bed as Stu came over and pick you up as he kissed your cheek as you giggled as your uncle smile at you.

"Are you ready for bed?" Stu cooed

"No sweepy." You said

You let out a yawn as Billy chuckled.

"Sure you aren't. Now daddy and uncle have a surprise for you." Stu cooed

You tilted your head as Billy bring you over to a door which have a nice pin that have your name as Stu smiled.

"Say hello to your brand new nursery!!" Stu smiled

Stu opened the door as you are overjoyed that you have a new nursery (Pic above) and a dad that loves you as you hugged your daddy as you gave him multiple kisses as Billy chuckled.

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