When You Have To Heal: Day 2

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Sam Uley:

It is day number 2 of healing as you and your brother are both feeling sort of better, but you still feel a bit of pain on your ribs as you both are laying down on the bed and relaxed as Seth along with Jared came with two bowls of baked potato soup.

"Baked potato soup?" You asked

"Yes. Your mom made it for you." Jared said 

As Seth and Jared help you both feed with the soup, Butch came with Amanda and Samuel as you smiled at them.

"Samuel and Butch what a surprise you came." Your brother smiled

"Homework delivery and some extra hands." Samuel said

"Did Dad say that you can help?" You asked

"We just came in so let us help you." Butch chuckled

"Fine." Your brother said

As Butch and Samuel took the empty bowls, Amanda gave you both the homework as you look at her.

"Say how come you didn't visit?" You asked

"I was guilty." Amanda said

"No need to be ashamed Amanda. You are my sister's beta and as Beta, you have to make sure she is ok along with the others within the pack. If I didn't save you, you would be crushed along with our principal." Your brother said

"You know you got it on your own. Don't beat yourself too much." You said

As Amanda asked the questions for the homework, you and your brother both answered them as Butch write the answers down with ease.

"Mr. Bernard will know that it's your handwriting Butch." Your brother said

"You can't move your right arm. So I am writing it for you." Butch chuckled

"Thanks for being sweet." Your brother said

As Samuel took the empty bowls of the soup and bringing it to the kitchen to wash it, Amanda begin to place the homework in the folders before leaving to bring the homework to the teachers as Butch along with Samuel are both ready to give you both a gentle hug as Sam cleared his throat.

"No hugging. They are still sort of weak." Sam said

"Dad..." You and your brother whined

"Nope." Sam chuckled

You and your brother both pouted as Emily chuckled as your friends Butch and Samuel begin to leave together as Jared chuckled softly.

"Were they wanting to give you a hug?" Jared asked

"Yes." Your brother said

"Nope. You can't hug them yet." Seth said

After having a sponge bath and putting in warm pajamas, Seth begin to read you both a spooky bedtime story as you and your brother are both feeling a bit tired before you both fall asleep as Seth kissed your forehead goodnight as you both fall asleep as Sam along with Emily both fall asleep as well.

Jared Cameron:

It is Day 2 of you and your brother's healing journey as you both are feeling sort of better as you both are now still laying in the beds as your mom Kim have came over and gave you and your brother A/B/N a kiss as you both smiled at her as she gave you both some soup.

"Thanks mom" You and your brother A/B/N smiled

"No problem." Kim smiled

As Jacob along with your dad placed the ice packs, you both are being fed with some soup with the help of your mom while your dad have helped with your brother A/B/N as Nicole came with Samson with the homework.

"Homework delivery." Nicole and Samson smiled

"Samson and Nicole! Hey guys." You smiled

"Want us to help you with the homework?" Nicole asked

"Well I can ask the questions and you can write them." Kim said

"Sure that will work." Samson said

As Kim asked you both each question of the homework, you along with your brother answered each of them to which Nicole along with Samson write them down. Once the homework is complete, Nicole look at you.

"Say Alpha, your brother Y/B/N and I finished our project." Nicole smiled

"Did you both send it to Mr. Anoki?" Your brother A/B/N asked

"Of course. He told you and your sister to take as much time to heal and he gave you both an extra day since you both are too injured." Nicole said

"Good. We need that." Your brother A/B/N said

"Get well you two." Samson said

Samson came over to your cheek as Sam came and noticed Samson is about to kiss your cheek.

"Samson..." Sam said sternly

"Oh god." You groaned

"Nicole, are you giving my nephew a kiss?" Sam asked

"Uncle Sam no..." Your brother A/B/N groaned

"Nope off of them since they need to be better." Sam said

Nicole and Samson both shared a little thought with you and your brother A/B/N which made Jared chuckle.

"You got that right." You and your brother A/B/N said

As nighttime came around, you along with your brother A/B/N are already clean and in your warm pajamas as Jacob begin to take off the ice packs while Kim read you both a bedtime story which is a native one as you and your brother both smile softly before slowly sleeping.

"Sweet dreams you too." Jared said

Jared smiled and gave Kim a kiss on the lips as Jacob begin to rest up in his room while Sam begin to go on patrol as Kim leaves as you both continue to sleep.

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