four: CRUSH

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Beomgyu turns the knob to his dorm to find the door unlocked.

He pushes the door open to reveal shoes at the front and he didn't have to think who it is as memories of yesterday splash his mind.

'Ahh... I got a roommate.'

Beomgyu enters the dorm and walks into the living room where he finds Taehyun, like the child he is, lying on the couch with his phone in his hand with his rosy tinted cheeks and a smile playing on his lips.

Beomgyu quirks an eyebrow when he hears the younger chuckling at his screen and scoffs.

"Got yourself a girlfriend on your first day?" Beomgyu asks in a teasing manner.

Taehyun peeks from his phone and then back at his phone. He sits up from the couch and rolls his eyes.
"None of your business." Taehyun snaps back.

"Of course it isn't. But I can tell you have a crush on her. Pathetic. It hasn't been a day you've known her."
"Is it wrong to have a crush? Soeun is tall, pretty and she's intelligent and sweet. All the aspects I look for in a girl."

Taehyun says while he stands up from the couch to walk into his room.
"I'll work for it." Taehyun continues.

"Are you delusional?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun stops in his tracks.
"Do you think she'll fall for the likes of you?" Beomgyu remarks and Taehyun can't help but be hurt by the insult.

"She deserves a man like me. Don't you think-"
"Fuck off, hyung." Taehyun cusses, turning to glare at the latter.

Beomgyu chuckles, a sly grin playing on his lips as he approaches the younger.
Taehyun remains in his stance, he won't back away and be fazed by how close the latter's slowly approaching him. If he takes a step back, it'll feel like he's letting the older win.

But you should never underestimate Beomgyu.

Without warning, Beomgyu grabs Taehyun by the waist and pulls him harshly until their bodies are close but not touched, earning wide eyes from the younger.

It was the last thing he expected the older to do, he was startled but he tried to remain unfazed despite feeling Beomgyu's fingers play with the hem of his shirt.

He looks straight into the latter's eyes.

"I'll show you she deserves to be treated better than by someone who's a sex addict." Taehyun says.

"Can you even win her over?" Beomgyu snickers as he pulls Taehyun by the waist, flushing their bodies against each other causing Taehyun to yelp and heart race by the sudden intimacy.

"When you easily gasp from my touch?" Beomgyu asks as he tilts Taehyun's chin to lock eyes with him.
Taehyun harshly turns his head away, shrugging his chin away from the latter's icky fingers.

"You believe in love like you're a teenager. You don't even have the guts to hold her. Heck, can you even?" Beomgyu asks and squeezes Taehyun's waist, causing the younger to flinch in surprise.

"Yahh!! Let me go!!" Taehyun exclaims, struggling out from Beomgyu's grip by pushing his chest only for Beomgyu to wrap his arm around Taehyun's waist, locking him in his arms while his other hand rides his sides up and down.

"W-What the hell are you doing? Let me go, fucking pervert!!" Taehyun shouts, shivering in fear at the gesture.
Taehyun feels the hair on his neck erupt in ferocious goosebumps as he feels the older's minty breath tingling his skin.


"Your body's as slim as a girl..." Beomgyu says while he slips his hand underneath Taehyun's shirt from the back.
"You'll only look like a toy to her." The raven haired whisper.

"F-fuck off!!"

Beomgyu moves his head and leans close to Taehyun's face. The younger backs away in horror and anxiousness of the mere centimeter gap between their faces.

"Beside, you look rather fuckable than someone who can pin a girl down." Beomgyu whispers on Taehyun's lips.

Taehyun's eyes widen, unaware of the sudden tears that form at the corners of his glossy doe eyes. In an instant, he shoves Beomgyu away, the latter letting him go oh so easily before Taehyun runs into his room and shuts the door close.

Taehyun slumps against his door and onto the ground, hearing the muffled noise of Beomgyu chuckling at his reaction.
It stings. It only made Taehyun feel more insecure about how his body looked. He's always had trouble bulking up, only gaining muscles and maintaining it but never being able to go further. He's tall but he had a small frame.

And he loves how he is right now, but there's always one or two people that'll comment.
Taehyun feels vulnerable. He knows he shouldn't let Beomgyu's word rip him apart but-

"He's so mean." Taehyun mutters to himself, unconscious of the single tear that fell.


It was around 9pm when both Soobin and Taehyun arrived at the local bar to start work. Soobin had been part-timing ever since his first year while Taehyun, it's his first.

"You weren't kidding when you said a lot of the students from our HYBE University go here." Taehyun comments as he sets up the bottles of alcohol behind the counter.

"It's the nearest near the university and it's one of the best, so it's always crowded with our students. You'll also get discounts on drinks if you bring your student card." Soobin says.

"Does the bar close around the same time our shift ends?" Taehyun asks.
"Well, the owner is always here and usually everyone stops drinking after 3am, they'll be drunk and dancing anyway. So, you're free to leave at 1am if you want to."

Taehyun nods and takes a look around the bar that's starting to be crowded.
"It's kinda dark in here." Taehyun mutters but loud enough for the taller to hear.

Soobin's eyes widen in realisation.

"Will you be okay? It's quite dim here but I can brighten it up a bit." Soobin asks but Taehyun shakes his head.
"I'll be okay..." Taehyun says.

"You still have those nightmares?" Soobin asks.
"It never stopped hyung." Taehyun smiles faintly.

Taehyun snaps out of his focus when he hears a fit of giggles and chattering getting louder as a group a students approach the counter.

Taehyun squint his eyes when he recognises the male in the middle with his arms wrapped with girls and boys equally on both sides.

Their eyes meet and Beomgyu smirks at the younger who shoots back an eye roll.
"Fancy seeing you here, roommate." Beomgyu says, eyes still on Taehyun's waist as he reminisces how Taehyun's body felt in his grip.

Taehyun knows damn well that even if it's over the counter, Beomgyu's intense gaze pieces through him as if the older is stripping him with his eyes, especially with what happened just now.

'Gosh, I think I'm gonna have a migraine.'

"Hey, you're okay?" Soobin checks up on Taehyun.
"Soobin-hyung!!" Beomgyu exclaims and waves at the bluenette, the older returning the wave.

"You guys... ugh, of course you guys know each other, you're Yeonjun's boyfriend and he's Beomgyu-hyung's best friend." Taehyun says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Soobin chuckles. He turns back to look at Beomgyu who continuously had his eyes on Taehyun.
"Taehyun-" Soobin calls out, pulling Taehyun away and to the corner.

"Are you and Beomgyu okay??" Soobin asks.

Taehyun isn't even sure if he and his own roommate are okay. Beomgyu practically harassed him a few hours ago and he gags everytime he thinks about it. He didn't even want to talk about what happened, that'll just make him puke a grotesque waterfall.

"We're fine. Just fine."

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