forty-two: HUNGOVER

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Beomgyu slowly wakes up, finding himself wrapped under his blanket and on his bed. He feels a deep feeling in his heart as he eyes the empty space beside him.

He glances at the wall clock, now realizing he's late and he immediately shoots up, sitting on his bed.
"Fuck..." Beomgyu cusses as he feels his head throbbing.

He then turns to his side, to find a bottle of water and pills on his nights and.
'Was someone here?'

Beomgyu feels an unexplainable presence over him. He feels fuzzy and warm, particularly on his forehead. And so he rubs his fingers on his forehead, trying to recall yesterday night only to realize-
"Did I sleep?" Beomgyu asks himself, eyes wide.

'Was Taehyun here last night?'
Beomgyu isn't sure if what he's assuming is true but it was the only explanation. He hasn't had a decent sleep in five years and only one person had that effect on him.

Only Taehyun can make him sleep so peacefully.
But since his penthouse seem to be quite, he assumes Taehyun had left the moment he went deep into his slumber.

Beomgyu reaches out for his phone to find a few messages and missed calls from the younger himself.


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Beomgyu chuckles at the message before hopping into the shower.

As he lets the warm water stream down his cold body, Beomgyu allows himself to relax under the heat but then his mind turns fuzzy, his thoughts only filled with Taehyun.

He goes back thinking about how they were five years ago. All those months they've dated, thinking what they had was real, only for Taehyun to disappear without any explanation.

Until now, Beomgyu remembers how badly hurt he was. How deep his heartbreak felt as if a wound across his chest never healed. It still stings every time he thinks about it.

Beomgyu rests his hand on the back of his neck, unconsciously digging his nails as he feels anger pool up in him again.
His belief in love vanished. And all memories he had with Taehyun were only replaced with the morning hr woke up to an empty bed five years ago with no traces of the younger.

Beomgyu was left with a shattered heart that could never be mended, after a passionate night they shared.
Taehyun used him that night, it looked like it was only Beomgyu who enjoued it, blinded by the false love he'd been receiving.

"Fuck this shit." Beomgyu mumbles as he closes the water tap.
He's going to blow off some steam tonight.


An hour later, around 12pm, Beomgyu arrives at the building only to find Taehyun and another person, slightly taller than him talking at the entrance.

Beomgyu squints his eyes, getting a clearer look of who Taehyun's talking to and he scrunches his eyebrows, knuckles unconsciously balled into fists.

'What the fuck is he doing here?'
"Taehyun." Beomgyu calls out sternly, approaching the two.

"Beomgyu-ssi, are you okay? Did you take your pills-"
"Go up and do your tasks. I've sent the latest ones." Beomgyu says coldly, cutting Taehyun off.

Taehyun shoots Beomgyu an anxious look before nodding and walking away.
"Sheesh, after taking care of him last night, and this is what I get?" Taehyun mumbles to himself as he gets into the elevator.

As the two boys watch Taehyun get into the elevator, the latter turns back his attention to Beomgyu.
"So we meet again, Beomgyu." Heeseung says with a grin And Beomgyu glares at him.

"What? Didn't know you missed me so much after five years?" Beomgyu snaps back sarcastically and Heeseung scoffs.

"Harsh, don't you think? The way youre treating Taehyunnie."
Beomgyu feels his heart clench at the nickname.
"What do you know about it? He's my secretary after all."

"And he's someone I care for. You can't leave someone you love to be treated badly by others, right?" Heeseung asks, raising an eyebrow.

Beomgyu scoffs at the question.
"Love? Don't give me that bullshit."

"Whatever. I'm actually glad we finally got to talk. I need to tell you something." Heeseung says, catching Beomgyu's interest.
"Lay it on me." Beomgyu says.

"I don't care whatever you and Taehyun had in the past. And I don't give a single fuck if you're jealous that he's closer to me-" Heeseung takes boldly takes a few steps forward to Beomgyu.
Beomgyu remains in his stance.

"I like Taehyunnie. I've liked him for years. I'll win his heart over. It's not like he wants you back anyway. After all, he tells me how shitty you've been treating him." Heeseung continues.

"Why would I want someone who left me back then?" Beomgyu asks.
"Take him." Beomgyu boldly says.

Heeseung smirks, patting Beomgyu on the shoulder and Beomgyu immediately feels icky at the touch.


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