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A month later.

"Beommie, wake up!!" Taehyun smacks the older on the shoulder as he wakes up, finding himself wrapped In Beomgyu's arms, their legs tangled underneath the blanket.

"Five minutes..." Beomgyu mumbles and Taehyun rolls his eyes.

"Bitch!! We're already running late. We've gotta get to work!!" Taehyun exclaims.

"Ten minutes..." Beomgyu snuggle further, the tip of his nose tickling Taehyun's neck.

"Yahh!! Get the fuck up!!"

"Fifteen minutes more if you don't shut up..."
"Didn't you say you keep track of your time??"

"Fuck time, I just wanna be here in bed with you."
"Not a chance." Taehyun struggles to pull away from Beomgyu's grasps and when he succeeds, Beomgyu wakes up, lips pouty and sulky.

"Stop being sulky-" Taehyun says, stripping off his clothing in front of the latter in a teasing and provocative way.
"C'mon, get in the shower with me." Taehyun invites, winking.

And Beomgyu springs up, instantly removing his top as he walks towards the bathroom where a full naked Taehyun was leaning against the door of the bathroom.
"Now that's an offer I can't refuse." Beomgyu smirks.

But before Beomgyu could enter the bathroom, Taehyun slams the door in front of his face, shocking the latter and locks the door.

"Not a chance sucker!!" Taehyun shouts from inside.
"Sneaky twat!!" Beomgyu says, banging the door in frustration, earning a giggle from the boy inside.
He sighs, nevertheless he chuckles.

It's been about a month since they got back together after five dreadful years of yearning one another and it's been three weeks since Taehyun started to live with Beomgyu at his penthouse.

Beomgyu purchased Taehyun's apartment and transferred the ownership to Taehyun's parents so that they would have a place to stay if they ever returned to visit them in Korea.
Taehyun insisted that he'd pay for the apartment but Beomgyu just wanted to spoil him a bit.

Talking about Taehyun's parents, when his parents came to Korea last month, you could say they earned a bit of a lecture on love from Taehyun's mom, it's kinda hilarious thinking bout it again.
Taehyun's dad was just sitting there, happy for them both while he hears his wife ramble but his mom was still shocked with everything that happened between them and that they're finally together.

Although she kinda knew they were destined to be each other's.
And if you're wondering about Beomgyu's parents; his dad is still the workaholic he is while his mom, there's pretty much no news.

"Why aren't you in your office attire?" Taehyun asks as he watches Beomgyu come out from the bedroom with casual clothes while he's dressed in his suit and bag, ready to go to work.

"Why are you dressed for work?" Beomgyu asks, cocking an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
"Cause we have another day at the office??"

"Yeah? Well no, I got us a day off."
"You what?? When?? That should be my job!"

"Just now and it doesn't matter. So get out of those boring clothes and change into something prettier before I do it for you-"

"Hell naw, go hump a tree or something you touch deprived dick head." Taehyun jumps off the couch and dashes into the bedroom, locking the door.

"Sheesh." Beomgyu clicks his tongue but smiles.
Taehyun didn't know what to wear so he put on something simple; a pair of blue denim jeans, an olive coloured sweater and boots.

When Taehyun got out from the room, Beomgyu smiled at his boyfriend.
"You look cute." Beomgyu compliments and Taehyun rolls his eyes at that.

"Don't call me cute. Call me handsome or sexy or something." Taehyun glares.
"You're cute in my eyes, handsome in everyone's eyes and sexy when we're having sex-"

LULLABY - TAEGYU  ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora