eight: SLEEP

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Taehyun shuffles in his sleep, scrunching his eyebrows at the unexplainable yet comfortable warmth he's feeling. He finds himself snuggling further into the warmth like a kitten only to feel the rise and fall of the 'cushion' his cheeks laid against.
He shoots his eyes open, feeling strong arms guard his body. He looks up to find himself in Beomgyu's grasp, his face flush against the older's chest.

"What the??!!" Taehyun screams, shoving the older away from him, causing Beomgyu to fall off the bed onto the ground.
Beomgyu instantly wakes up as he groans in pain from the sudden tumble. He sits up on the ground, rubbing his back at where it hurt while shooting Taehyun a glare.

"What the fuck was that for??" Beomgyu exclaims.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bed??" Taehyun shouts back, eyes widen in disbelief.

Beomgyu perks his eyebrows, staring back at the younger with the same eyes with his head slightly tilting to the side.
He recalls back last night events. The thunderstorm. The glass shattering. Taehyun begging Beomgyu to stay with him because of his fear.

'Does he seriously not remember??'
The ends of Beomgyu's lips curve upwards into a sly grin.
'Let's tease him a bit.'

"Gosh, how can you not remember what we did?" Beomgyu asks with a disappointed tone.
"W-What do you mean??" Taehyun stutters, growing anxious at what the latter had said as he watches the older approaching him.

Without any warning, Beomgyu pushes Taehyun down, his back hitting the mattress and hovers his stature over him.
Taehyun's eyes enlarge as he tries sitting back up only for Beomgyu to grab his wrists and pin them above his head. The older leans close, their lips a mere centimeters apart.

"Do you remember now?" Beomgyu asks with a low voice.

Taehyun's face reddens, the fine hair at the nape of his neck rising up. He feels his stomach flutter with unnecessary butterflies and his heart rate increasing.

Beomgyu eyes the younger's state and chuckles before pulling away to flick his finger on Taehyun's forehead, earning a small 'ow' from him.

"You dragged me onto the bed last night, dumbass." Beomgyu says.
"I... what??" Taehyun asks cluelessly.

"There was a blackout last night and you got scared. You even dropped a glass. I tucked you into bed but you were so scared, you literally clung onto me and begged not to leave you and-"

"Don't say anymore." Taehyun cuts the latter off while holding his hand up as he looks away in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry..." Taehyun apologizes.

It's true that he's afraid of thunderstorms, but actually...
He's afraid of the dark.

Not many would understand him. How can you be scared of the dark when night is something we go through everyday?? How do you sleep if you can't sleep in the dark??

Taehyun's used to getting a lot of insults about it and he's often teased about it too. The only ones who understand him are his parents and a few of his friends.

'He's probably going to make fun of me.'
'Better brace yourself, Kang Taehyun.'

Taehyun doesn't dare to face the older, that's until he feels a hand on his head and he instantly looks up.
Beomgyu ruffles his fingers through Taehyun's blonde locks, his eyes softening when their eyes meet.

"If you're afraid of the dark, buy a portable night light." Beomgyu says before leaving the room.
Taehyun blinks his eyes a few times while he watches the older walk back into his room. He reaches his hand up to run his fingers through the strands of his hair.

In all honesty, he expected Beomgyu to judge him like how every else does. Of course, why wouldn't he? He's 18 years old and is still scared of the dark. Yet, Beomgyu didn't. He stayed silent and reassured him with the smallest yet thoughtful gesture.

Taehyun smiles.
'Maybe he's not so bad.'


Beomgyu lets the shower run down his face and body, scrubbing the soap bar onto his bare body while he hums a few songs but then, he stops.

The raven haired boy remained frozen as the water continues to stream on him, only, his thoughts start running through his mind, as he tries recalling last night's event.

He's weirdly energetic today. Like he had a good sleep.
'Wait a minute.'

Beomgyu lightly smacks his cheeks, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries recalling the last few hours only for the last thing he remembers happened to be when he laid in bed with Taehyun in his arms.

"How come I can't remember the past few hours??" Beomgyu asks himself.
"Did I sleep??" Beomgyu exclaims, eyes wide in disbelief.

He starts to think back. Did he sleep because of the dark? But there have been a few blackouts before, and he still had trouble sleeping the thunderstorms are no exception, Beomgyu always find himself sleep deprived.

'Was it because I didn't have sex??'

Questions start popping up in his mind. But when it comes to sex, the temporary cure to his insomnia, he's pretty sure that it's not because he didn't have a good fuck that he was able to sleep. He's been doing so since the end of high school, he's positive that he'll be as restless as ever if he didn't have sex since nothing's occupying his night hours.

Beomgyu turns the tap off and grabs his towel. While he steps out from the shower, he turns to his reflection on the mirror while he stares intently into his own eyes. And that's when he realizes something.

'Was it because I slept with Taehyun??'

Beomgyu thinks deeply into the thought, possibilities clouding his thought. It's a 50/50, 50% of him doesn't want to consider it a possibility but the other 50% is pulling him into it.

Beomgyu snorts at the ridiculous thought while shaking his head.

'That can't be it.'

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