Intro/ Chapter 1

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My breathe was heavy as I ran through the woods. My mind was spinning and I was bleeding out. "Someone help!" I scream out, tripping over a few rocks. I scream in pain as I landed on the open wound on my side. "Help!" I scream again. "Please help..." I whisper, crawling my way deeper into the woods now. I can hear his foot steps behind me, a low chuckle came from his mouth and I felt both his hands grasp on to my ankles. I yelped at the tight grip. I was anxious to get my death over with, a squeezed my eyes shut. I can hear someone screaming and screaming, I can hear movement and yelps and so much growling, noise! It took me a second to realize that the screaming was my own.

I felt myself being lifted up. I screamed again at the pain in my side, I was stabbed. My leg felt broken and I felt like I was in so much pain, like I'd rather die than have this pain. "Shh.." I can hear someone coo in my ear. "You'll be fine." My eyes were still squeezed tight.

"I got to go! I got to run! Please!" I yell. "She must be hallucinating." I hear a deep mans voice say. "She's really hurt." I hear another man whisper. "Should we just leave her? She looks practically dead." I hear another person. "You know the alphas rules, anyone we find on our territory we have to bring back and put them in a cell." The deep voice says. "We can't just put her in a cell, she's dying." Another voice says, this time it was a girls voice.

"Shut up Rosalind, she's just a human, we can do without saving her." I tried opening my eyes, to tell them that I was fine, but my eyes wouldn't open. "I'm fine." I whisper.

"She's not fine, lets take her back." The females voice says. "Don't make me tell my brother that you guys killed a human when you could've saved her. You know the rules." I can hear a lot of men sigh. "Why did we bring the alphas sister with us?" Someone asks.

"She's really pretty." I hear someone say. "Are you really checking out the dead girl?" Someone else asks. "She's not dead."

"Not yet." with that I just passed out, the pain in my side was unbearable.

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