I don't want to.

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My brother hadn't talked to me all week. Constantly ignoring me, he was obviously mad at my decision. He wanted me to be back with Abraham, go back to our life at that stupid huge ass house of Abraham's.

I kept having to keep an eye on my brother, I somewhat figured that he'd eventually go see Abraham and talk to him about getting me back or whatever, not really sure but I know that my brother had it on his mind!

He wanted to see Abraham and I'm starting to believe that he likes Abraham more than me. He looks at me as if I'm a bad guy! But if only he knew. Abraham isn't a saint, more like satan. Ugh!

I just don't want my brother to have that kind of life, in a world with werewolves! In a world where stories we thought were myths are actually true!

I mean I want him to have a normal life! And where does normal fit in that picture? NO WHERE!

So I need to keep him away from Abraham, and I know he wants to see him, and than on the side I'm trying to find a job but no one is hiring! Like at all!

I'm starting to think that we might have to move just for me to get a job, but to move would mean I'd need money, which I don't have.


But maybe moving would be best, I'd find a way, and it would also mean that I wouldn't have to stress over Sam going to see Abraham.

But for now, I'd have to figure out a way to keep my brother away from Abraham, and I came up with one solution, which was to go and talk to Abraham myself.

I was nervous, anxious. I drove down the familiar dirt road, slowly passing the red and yellow trees that were changing with the season. I remember I use to pass by this dirt road on my way to my old job. I remember thinking that anyone that drove down that dirt road was crazy because the surroundings looked just way to scary!

Now here I am, unwillingly driving down it.

It was slightly stormy outside, the only sound though was the sound of the trees blowing and the leaves moving along with the wind, as well as my cars crappy engine..

I drove slowly down the road, dreading my destination. I didn't want to see Abraham. Maybe because when I left his huge ass pack house, I thought I'd never have to see Abraham again. Or maybe I'm just scared- scared that if I spend anymore time with Abraham I'll feel something for him and again.

I had managed to ignore most of all those feelings in the last few months, trying to ignore the emptiness that constantly sat in my stomach. The sour feeling it left. The only time I wouldn't feel it was when I was sleeping, but when I woke up, the feelings was still there.

I found myself barely able to sleep, just thinking. Wondering how it would be if I never decided to leave, because truth is- a huge part of me never ever wanted to leave.

And I couldn't help but feel happy and somewhat excited that day when I realized who had given Sam a ride.

Although I was mad as hell that day, I was relieved, relieved to see Abraham. I hated to admit that, even if only to myself.

I arrived at the front of his pack house. My stomach seemed to do a flip and I suddenly felt as if I might vomit up my turkey sandwhich from lunch. Luckily I was strong enough to keep it down. I got out of the car, very hesitently. I walked up the steps and took a huge breath in and out before ringing the door bell.

I waited patiently, half expecting for one of Abraham's pack members to answer. After a few seconds past I thought about turning around and leaving which I was very tempted to do.

But then the door sadly opened. "Alexa?" It was Rosalind. It felt a million times better to see her than Abraham. "Hey.." I trail off. "What are you doing here? Are you coming back?!" She asked excitingly. I almost felt bad to tell her no. "Umm no, I needed to talk to Abraham." She frowned but than nodded. She moved to the side and motioned me to come in.

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