Try me part 2

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"What does that mean?" I ask, catching up with Collison.

"Nothing, forget I said anything." He mutters. "Just stop walking away." I stand in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest. "No one ever bothers on talking to me. I'm not even sure what happened, one second these people aren't even allowing me to step out of my room, the other second they're practically forbidding me from even looking at you! I don't even get it!" I yell, shaking my head.

"God and Abraham! He literally took my brother in the middle of the night all the way back here! What is wrong with him?!?" I spat.

"Wow." Collison looked dumbfounded.

"You have the freedom to leave whenever you want to, you know that right?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I know that, but it feels as if I really don't have that freedom." I mutter. "Maybe you really don't have that freedom. They're making you feel like you do." He shrugs, walking past me into the woods again.

"Well I don't care, I'm going to leave anyway." I point out. "Sure you are." He says as if he didn't even believe it. I didn't blame him, I hardly believed it myself.

I did feel like I wasn't aloud to leave, as if a magnet was physically holding me back.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask slowly, hesitating. "Sure." He nods, putting up his hood, attempting to block the rain from hitting his hair.

"Well the other day when I came back from hanging with you, Rosalind freaked out about it, and told me to lie to Abraham about even seeing you.. I just- I don't even understand why you guys don't get along, you're family.." It was utterly confusing. How can you not like your siblings?

"I know it must seem weird but Abraham- well he's the reason to why I don't go around them.." I narrow my eyes. "What did he do? And why don't you just ignore him?" He chuckles harshly.

"I wish I can see my sister but unfortunately Abraham convinced her that I'm the worst person on earth. Im surprised he hasn't done the same to you." He says.

"Collison's dangerous in his own way and you shouldn't be around him."

I remember exactly what Abraham had told me, or actually warned me.

Maybe he was trying to make me think of Collison as dangerous and the worst person.

Collison was the complete opposite.

"What exactly happened between you guys?" I ask slowly. "Before I tell you I have to show you something first."

I followed Collison even more into the woods. He suddenly stops. "Now what I'm about to show you, well it's something I swear to god you've never seen before in your life." He says, backing away from me.

"Umm okay?" I arch my eyebrows confusingly.

I thought he actually would take me to a place to show me something but here I was, in the woods that seemed to look the same the further you walked in it.

He than nodded and proceeded to take off his hoodie, exposing his abs and muscular arms. He had tattoos going up both of his arms. I examined them, seeing that a few were words written in different languages I didn't exactly know. The one that stood out the most was the one of a girl. She was gorgeous even on print and I couldn't exactly understand who she was.

She looked young though.

He reached down and takes off his belt and unbuttons his shorts, slipping them off. My eyes go wide.

"What exactly are you trying to show me?" I ask, utterly confused. "It's now what you think it is." He mutters, slipping off his black briefs. My eyes go even wide and quickly shut them. "Just open your eyes Alexa." He mutters.

"No! Yo-you pervert!" I hiss. "Open them." He says so demandingly that I forced myself to open them.

He smiles and with that he suddenly goes down on his hands and knees.

I watched as his arm suddenly broke back. I screamed, watching him in horror as his boned cracked and broke and with in seconds a huge ass, black wolf unveiled in front of me.

The wolfs eyes were glowing yellow and they were even more visible with the grey sky's and rain.

My eyes were open in shock, my heart sped against my chest and I screamed louder than I knew I could.

I backed up, my eyes on the wolf in front of me. I tripped over a random log and fell on my butt.

The wolf started walking closer to me. I squeeze my eyes shut, screaming without even realizing it.

"Alexa." Two strong hands take a hold of my hands on my face, slowly prying them off my eyes.

I look at Collison in front of me. My heart still pounding and my mind still trying to wrap around what just happened.

"What just happened?" I whisper slowly.

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