Obvious decision

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Well, I felt as if I really really screwed up. I left Abraham's house around 9, guilt washing over me as I left his office.

I hadn't felt so strangely right in awhile. And being with Abraham did feel right, but I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. Every part of me wanted him but my mind kept telling me to stop being an idiot. I left for a reason, although the reason just doesn't seem to exist anymore..

My brother knows who and what Abraham is. There's nothing stopping me from running into his arms and accepting him because God knows I want to.

I just, I don't know I feel as if I need to think this through before actually making any huge as decisions.

It isn't easy either, you know, making a decision like this. The answer should be super obvious, it kind of is, but I somehow still want a life where I work and where I don't depend on someone else. I've never been that way! So why would I start now?!

And being with Abraham doesn't mean I really have to, you know? I don't have to give up those things, right? I just- I mean if this were to work, I'd have to put down some ground rules. It would have to be a normal boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. We would live in seperate houses! And I get to work and support myself.

I mean it's like getting what I want altogether. Keeping some what of a normal life and getting to be with him! Win win, right?

But I haven't actually decided to do that yet. I needed a few days to think about it. I can't make huge life decisions without thinking about them. Although I wouldn't consider this to be a "huge life decision"

I'd just be living in a world with werewolves, and I'd also have a boyfriend that's a werewolf and somehow that is just so damn shocking. I mean technically I have been living in a world were werwolves existed, I just didn't know it.

Anyways, I left Abraham's house, went home and continued looking for a job. I had a hard time concentrating, my mind couldn't seem to focus. Sam was already home when I got back. I had lied to him and said I went to a job interview.

I didn't exactly want to tell him anything about me and Abraham, because then he'd have hope and I didn't want to do that to him. I also wasn't too comfortable with lying to him though. But I have no other choice!

It doesn't make me a completely bad person. I just have a lot to think about right now.


Well I finally got a job. It wasn't exactly easy. Also the job isn't ideal. It's a job at a diner, which like I said, isn't ideal.

But it pays the bills. And God knows I'm late on all of them!

Sam was still very cold with me. But luckily it seemed like he eased up slightly, not too much. He still glared at me occasionaly. But in my defense! I didn't do anything wrong. I just chose a different option then he would've chose.

It had been almost a week since my super heated makeout session with Abraham. I wondered if I should go over there and talk to him but I wasn't sure what I'd say. I still hadn't made up my mind yet about anything.

I didn't have much time to think now that I'm working and then coming home and doing other things. I thought about getting my GED, maybe attempting to do some kind of online college later just to try and get a higher up job. One that would pay better.

It sounded like a good idea but I figured I'd maybe figure that out later.

Sam had left for school, it was around 10. I didn't have work today, but I was up early cleaning the apartment and getting ready to maybe go do some gorcery shopping, anything to distract me.

I found that I tried distracting myself a lot. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I feel like I have somewhat of a good idea.

I was in the middle of making some coffee when there was a knock on my door. I figured maybe it was Jack, dropping off my mail which still went to him occasionally. I really needed to figure out how to change my address on everything.

I opened the front door, very taken back by who really was at the door. It wasn't Jack, that's for sure.

"Abraham?" I wasn't sure how to respond to his sudden apperance.

I mean I was still trying my best to try and not see him. I still wasn't sure how I felt about everything, and seeing him now was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Hi, sorry I didn't mean to come over unexpectingly." He mutters. "It's fine, come in." I awkwardly moved to the side to let him walk in. I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I mean he's here! It's not that I mind he's here, but its just unexpected, really unexpected.

"I just needed to know where we are right now- I mean with everything last week- and then you don't say anything afterwards! I mean I know girls can be confusing but not this confusing." He shook his head, looking at me questionably. As for me, I was dumbfounded and speechless.

"Well-" I shake my head. "I don't know what that was last week, I'm quite honestly confused myself." I murmur. "It's not that complicated, Alexa. It's either you know what you want- or you don't." He says. I nod, still unsure how to answer.

"It is complicated, Abraham. I left because I wanted something else and you! Well you went off and changed all of that!" I mean it's partly his fault. He promised to leave me alone and then he pulled a freaking stunt like this and expects me to just go with it?! You can see how I should be mad right now! Althought I'm pretty sure the "mate" stuff has been preventing me from actually seriously being mad.

"And I'm sorry for that! But now we're here and we need to figure it out." He shrugs. I seriously wanted to slap his beautiful face! I mean he's completely dumb!

"Well I don't know what to say, Abraham. I'm confused." I crossed my arms, hoping that my answer would annoy him, he deserves it.

"Fine then, lets narrow it down." He says. I arch my eyebrow questionably at him. "How do you feel about me? I mean without the whole living situation and how being with me would change everything, how do you really just feel about me?" He asks.

I tucked my lip inside my mouth, trying hardest to ignore the most obvious answer.

The answer was clearly obvious. "I want to be with you.." I whisper, cringing at my own answer.

I hated that it was my answer. Because then it would change everything. "Okay." He nodded, taking a step closer to me. It didn't take him long to grab me by the waist and kiss my lips.

I immediately kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning my body closer to his. Our kiss only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away. I , on the other hand wanted to keep going- but whatever.

"Just come back then.." He whispers, leaning his forehead against mine and looking at me. I shake my head. "Why not?" He asks in a whisper. I shrug. "If this is what we're going to do- I want it to be different. I want to live here- with Sam. And I want to be able to work. I'm not giving up my normal life for you."

It was obvious what I wanted. And I wanted Abraham. And I wanted my normal life, but it's not like I have to choose. I can have both, right? I mean I can be normal with Abraham, even thought everything about Abraham wasn't normal..

Althought that's not entirely true. The one thing that was going to be normal about him, was his relationship with me.

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