Our sh*tty life

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Authors note~~

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile guys! I've been so freaking busy it's ridiculous! Anyways on with the story~~


Well after a week and a half of starting off my new job, I got fired. I guess I just wasn't that good at it, and of course it's my luck! Of course I wouldn't be able to find a good job and keep it. Maybe I'll just become a waitress or something. I just feel so bad. I promised Sam that when I got my second pay check id buy him that tv he wanted for his room.

Now I have a small paycheck that'll
probably have to last us until I got another job.

I got home and slipped off my shoes and put on my sweats.

It was around 3 and Sam I think got home around 3 something. I was never home at this time though so he'd know something was up.

I waited outside the apartment door for Sam. I wanted to tell him right away so that he wouldn't get mad at me for keeping it from him.

I waited like 5 minutes when a familiar bmw showed up in the parking lot.

I narrowed my eyes, a little confused. I couldn't quite remember who's bmw it was.

I watched as the passengers side door opened and close.

Out walked Sam, slinging his back pack over his shoulder.

Who was he riding with? 

I quickly ran down the steps towards him and the car.

As I got closer and closer I realized why I recognized the car, and why I was suddenly worried.

My eyes went wide with realization.

"Sam!" I yelled out. He looked at me, with his on eyes getting widened. "I got to the car, looked down through the opener door.

"Get out!" I hissed. My heart pounding with, and my stomach turning.

I watched as he got out of the car, shutting the door behind him.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" I shake my head. "Well Abraham was giving me a ride an-" Sam begin explaining himself but I cut him off.

"Get inside!" I yell at him. "But-"

"Now Sam!" I yelled again, pissed.

"Fine. Bye Abraham." With that, Sam walked away looking defeated.

I waited for him to get in the apartment before looking at Abraham.

"What are you doing here Abraham? And why are you giving my little brother a ride home? And how long have you've been doing that?!" I yell, practically demanding for answers now. Was he stalking me or something?

Why does he have to incorporate my brother in any of this?! I told him I wanted nothing to do with him and whatever the hell he is, so why oh God, why is he showing back up in my life?!

He sighs. "Well I've been giving him rides for a few weeks now.." He trails off, awkwardly might I add.

"Weeks?! I told you to stay away from me!" I yelled.

"It's easier said than done Alexa." He mutters, crossing his arms over his bulky chest. "Just- leave me alone." With that I unwillingly turned around and went up to my apartment. He wouldn't get another word out of me. I just can't believe he'd just show up like this! Actually no! He didn't just show up! He's been showing up for weeks to pick up my brother!!

What kind of person does that? Especially when I asked and told him I didn't want any of this involving my brother, whom I want to have a normal life without some kind of other mystical world getting in the way of it!


"I want you to stay away from him." I mutter to Sam as I cooked dinner.

"He told me everything Alexa! Why are you acting like he's a criminal! He loves you!" Sam spat. I glared at him. "There's more to it. They live in a different world than us and I don't want to be apart of it."

"Well I do!" He yells. I sigh. God dammit Abraham, why did you freaking put me in this situation? I mean yeah, I can just give in and go back to Abraham or whatever because the only thing technically holding me back was my brother who was confused at the time.. but now that he knows, I still don't want to go back.

I can't! I have priorities, none of which include Abraham! I need to find another job, and now look out for my brother more because he's hanging with an alpha! A freaking werewolf! God I never thought I'd say that in my life..

"Sam.." I sigh, shaking my head at him, stopping what I was doing to look at him. "I don't want that kind of life for us." I murmur. "Really? So you'd rather have a crappy apartment, shitty job and no money, than have something you and I both want?!" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at me.

"I don't want any of what Abraham can offer. I don't want him for his money or his huge house, or a simpler life." I shake my head. "You don't understand what any of this is, what he completely is. A werewolf isn't normal! It shouldn't exist! And we don't belong in that world." I point out.

"Abraham told me that we do, he said that you were meant to be with him, so obviously in a way, we were meant to be in his world." Well that was hard to fight. He had a point, but it still didn't change anything for me. "There's a lot about Abraham- he's not exactly a good person Sam." I bite my lip, going back to cooking. "Abraham told me about his brother, and how he convinced you to think that." Sam says. I couldn't help but close my eyes and mentally curse Abraham.

Why is he telling my brother all of this?!?

"Just- I'm done talking about this. Stop bringing it up."

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