Knowing what I want.

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"Where are you taking me exactly?" I ask Collison as we walked through the woods. I mentally cursed myself for wearing very uncomfortable flats on this day. Here I was walking through the woods getting them all messed up not to mention my feet were starting to hurt.

"Have I ever taken you anywhere that's dangerous?" He asks, arching his eyebrow at me. I shrug and although I wanted to say yes, recalling the time he took me to an abandon warehouse that I later found out was abandon because the structure was unstable and was going to be knocked down soon, I held myself back. "It's not much further, come on." He grabbed my hand in his and picked up the pace.

I was slightly uncomfortable with my hand in his but I followed him, deciding I was crazy for acting so stupid.

After a few moments in silence, walking with only the sounds of crunching branches under our feet and the slight breeze through the air, our paced slowed down. Before I knew it Collison and I got to an opening, and in the opening was tall trees, covering most light from coming in and beneath the opening was water flowing down to what was probably a bigger opening of water. With the sun setting and the dim light showing through the trees, it was beautiful and quite frankly, breath-taking.

"How do you find these places?" I ask, walking more towards the water. I bent down and let my hand flow through the water. "I grew up in that pack house. Ive had most of my life to look for these places." He points out.

I stand up, wiping my now wet hand on my pants. "I always thought these woods sucked because of the dirt and the grass and the insects but- well you might've changed my mind." He chuckles, shaking his head.

"You know it's been a few months that I've known about you and your family being wolves, werewolves specifically- but I just can't help but find it still so weird." I shake my head.

"And the thought of committing to all of this- having all of this literally be apart of my life scares the shit out of me." I sigh, taking a seat on a nearby by tree trunk that looked like it had fallen down quite awhile ago.

"Is that why you're so confused about marrying Abraham?" Collison asks, taking a seat next to me. "Now that I think of it, yeah, probably." He nods.

"Do you love him, Alexa?" He suddenly asks. I look down at my hands, thinking. "I hate being all sappy, but sometimes when he isn't around, I feel like-" I stop, sighing. "Like you can't breath?" He asks. I nod. "How'd you know?" I ask. "I had a mate once. And god I'd give the world to have her again." I bite my lip. "You don't deserve to be- like this." I point out. "Well that's just my life. Believe it or not, right now my life's going better then it has in years. I have my brother back despite the hate I still somewhat have for him. And Rosalind, I missed her so much and quite frankly, I really need her in my life." I smile. "Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without Sam. He's like my rock sometimes."

"I know the feeling." He whispers.

I felt bad for Collison. Things for him had never gone good- much like my life. Maybe we had more in common then I thought? Abraham would never understand the gaping hole that's always been in my life. Without parents and being for so long alone with Sam, it's just hard to commit to someone.

"You know, Alexa. I'd be lying to you if I said that I had no feelings for you, I do and I'm probably not the best person to be giving advice on your engagement or whatever. But my brother is a good guy, better then me, so truth be told although I know he proposed way to fucking soon, I think you two will end up getting married one day, so why not now?"

I look down at my hands, nodding. "If it makes you feel any better, I do have some sort of feelings for you but-" I shrug. "You're feelings for him cloud the ones for me." He finishes for me. Although it wasn't the way I would've said it, it was really close.

"Thanks Collison." I stand up. "I'm gonna go back, you coming?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nah, I'm gonna stay a little longer." I nod before patting his shoulder and walking away back through the woods.

The last time I saw Abraham, the last thing he said to me was that once I figured out what I wanted, to let him know. Now he had yelled it at me and I wasn't exactly sure if it was fair for me to make him wait for me to figure out what I wanted.

But in my defense it had only been a few days since he said that and we got into that huge big ass fight about being engaged. But, well here I was about to walk into his room and finally let him know what I wanted.

After my talk with Collison, I felt more at ease. I felt like well- happier? Not so confused? If you get wha I mean.

I finally knew what I wanted, despite how hard it is for me to make decisions, I was able to finally make one, a huge one might I add.

So without knocking, I forced my legs to walk into Abrahams room. He was only ever in his office so when his sister told me he was in his room, I was quite weirded out and debated on whether to go up and talk to him.

When I walked into his room I found that he wasn't actually in his room, he was in the shower which made sense. He only went into his room for sleep and showers, otherwise he'd be in his office.

I took a seat on his bed and waited for him to be done with his shower. Well sitting awkwardly waiting for him to come out, I debated on whether to leave or not.

What if he came out of the bathroom nude? Would it be awkward? I mean- let's be honest it was nothing I hadn't seen already. And I'm not trying to be nasty but Abraham was a very tempting guy? If you get my drift..

But I forced myself to stay siting on his bed, on my phone playing a random game.

About 10 minutes passed when I heard the shower turn off. My body tensed and I was ready to sprint out of the room but then the bathroom door opened and he appeared.

His eyes found mine and he looked slightly surprised.

Luckily for me he had a towel on, covering his lower region.

"Hey.." I murmur awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, walking to his dresser where he collected some clothes.

I watched him as he did so.

"I wanted to talk." I shrug. "About?"

I watched in horror as he dropped his towel from his waist, slipping on his boxers. I mean it wasn't a bad sight. His butt was hot...

But it just made everything more awkward.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, trying my hardest not to stare at his gorgeous figure. He turned around, arching his eyebrows at me.

I was well- distracted by his abs, which made me not even hear him.

"Alexa?" He snapped me out of my daze.

"Yeah umm.." I shake my head, tucking my bottom lip into my mouth. I attempted to regain my senses.

"I decided that I want to get married." He looked confused. "Seriously?" He asks.

"Yes. I don't care about how soon it is, all I know is that I'm ready. And I want to." I stood up, walking over to him.

"Do you still want to?" I ask. "Of course." He whispers.

I smile before wrapping my arms around his neck. "Well then, its official, we're getting married." He smiles and then I didn't hesitate to kiss him because, well damn.

His lips were soft against mine, and I wasn't bothered by his wet chest getting my shirt wet.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and forced my body close to his. It didn't take him long to grasp the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head.

We then begun furiously making out and before I knew it, I was pulling him back into the shower...

Okay y'all! Small authors note! There's only a few more chapters left to this book! So yay! And also so sad but it had to come to an end! Please don't forget
to vote and until next time my lovies! Mwah!

His Human MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora