Nothings simple

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I didn't edit this chapter so any mistakes are my bad. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!!

As if I didn't feel like a bitch before, I hella did now. It's not that I don't want to marry Abraham, but maybe I'm afraid? Or something I mean- come on! It's a lot to take in.

And to add onto that, Abraham doesn't know what happened between me and his brother and although I'm not 100% sure what that really is, I'm still feeling weird about it plus it kinda feels like it's in the way of everything. I almost feel as if I'm lying to Abraham about it. Should he know about it? Does he need to know? Like really?

I hadn't moved in with Abraham yet, considering the past few recent events. Sam and I were still living in our apartment and I had told him most of all the story, with Abraham proposing and me not really sure how I felt about it.

His response wasn't helpful, "what's there to be confused about? Abraham loves you, you love Abraham. It's simple." After that he shrugged. I should've known not to go to my brother for advice, and although I wasn't specifically going to him for advice, apart of me was hopeful that he would give me some good advice. I clearly needed it. And at this point the only person I go to that can and will give me some type of advice is Rosalind.. I really need some friends because my life will not go good if I keep asking a 14 and 16 year old for advice on it.

It was a Saturday morning. Sam was getting ready to go hang out with Rosalind who had invited him to some kind of pack bonfire. He was in the middle of messing up his room by trying on all the clothes he owned.

"It's a group hang out, Sam. I doubt Rosalind will be paying much attention to your clothes." I point out from the living room. "Oh shut up! What do you know about getting a girl!" He hisses, poking his head out of his bedroom and glaring at me. I shrug. "Shouldn't you be doing something? Like trying to get your boyfriend back? Abraham isn't going to come knocking at the door and apologizing anytime soon. He has nothing to apologize for." He points out.

I glare at him, sticking my tongue out. "You're such a kid." He shook his head and went back into his bedroom.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was utterly right. Abraham wasn't going to come apologizing because there was nothing to apologize for. Although I had no doubt that at one point, Abraham would get frustrated from waiting so long for me to show up at his place and talk this out that he'll just end up coming here and forcing things out himself.

Maybe I should just go over there, tell him the truth which was that maybe I wasn't ready to even be engaged. Or something that would fix everything.

"Do you need me to drive you over there?" I ask Sam. "Nah Rosalind's picking me up." He says from his room. "Okay, well I'm gonna go out for awhile. Can you lock the door on your way out?" I stood up grabbing my keys and my bag.

"Sure thing." Sam says and with the I said a quick bye and walked out of the apartment.


I'm not very good at apologies. Quite frankly I'm not one to make situations or fight with anyone but now that I have a boyfriend who likes to push me to do things I don't want to do, I feel as if I might be fighting and apologizing to him more times than I'd like.

Which I guess I'm okay with. I'm just always nervous for the response.

I got to the pack house with sweaty palms and a nervous feeling in my stomach. I forced myself to walk up to the front porch and open the door and of course walk in.

It bothered me that no one in this house bothered to lock a door but as Rosalind stated one too many times, "our enemies know how to break through a door, everyone else we can handle." And although it was probably true, I still always had the habit of locking the door every time I walked in or out.

So after I did lock the door, I walked towards Abrahams office. He was in there almost all the time. He's in there more than he's in his room.

I knocked quietly on the door, hoping he didn't hear it so I can just walk away or something but he was wolf hearing, he can probably hear me walk through the house.

The office door opened revealing a face I didn't expect. Collison. "Oh, hey." I backed up slightly from the door, slightly confused. "Hi."

"Is Abraham here?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. "The idiot spilt coffee on his shirt, he's upstairs changing." He shrugs. I nod, biting my lip. "Here to talk to him?" He asks, opening the office door all the way and than walking back towards Abrahams desk were he sat at, on Abrahams laptop. "Yup. I'm guessing he told you everything?" I murmur. "Yes. My opinion on the situation is I don't think he should've proposed so soon." He points out. "But I guess win the whole Mate thing and the anxiousness, it's understandable." He adds.

"You've felt the same way before?" I ask. He glances up from the laptop at me. "Sadly, yes." He nods. I take a seat on the couch, leaning back on it. "I have a headache." I groan out. "Why can't things just be simpler for me?"

Collison slightly chuckled, shaking his head. He than stood up, grabbing his coat. "Come with me." He says, walking over towards me and sticking his hand out to help me up off the couch.

"But Abraham?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. "He'll be here when we get back." I sigh and take his hand, letting him help me up. With that I followed him out the door.

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