Date Night

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Hey y'all! So I wanted to post this chapter asap, so I really didn't get much to edit it so please excuse any mistakes if there is some! Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment what you thought about the chapter? Please?

Rosalind had finally finished my makeup and hair after hours of doing it. I was sure that I'd never let her really do that again considering how long it took, but it was fun talking to Rosalind and getting know more about things Abraham probably never would talk to me about.

I was still nervous for our date but my mind was too distracted to realize it. I kept thinking about Collison, I know it sounds bad to say but it's the truth. Collison and I- well I'm not sure. We have a slight friend-ship but it almost felt like more then a friend-ship during the few minutes we were around each other today.

I tried ignoring it but it was deep in my mind and I kept thinking about it.

Rosalind distracted me the for awhile longer until Abraham yelled from upstairs that he needed his date for the night and to stop hogging her.

"Leave is alone Abraham! We are busy!" Rosalind yells from her room. She had told Abraham that he wasn't allowed to see me until she was done with getting me ready.

"Rosalind!" Even I can recognize the demanding alpha tone he used when he called his sisters name. He did that a lot and I didn't understand it until Rosalind explained that he used that tone with all his pack members and they usually obeyed him but she never did.

"Ugh. He's so annoying." She murmurs, shaking her head. "I have no idea how you put up with him." She adds, handing me some heels to slip on. I wasn't too comfortable wearing heels but I figured what the hell. Might as well, just this once.

I never really could stand all that well in heels but whatever.

"You should go before he throws a fit." Rosalind says, giving me a smile. "Thanks Rosalind, for doing this you didn't have to." I was thankful. I looked pretty and although it felt like she had been putting endless amounts of makeup on my face all day, I actually looked really pretty and natural looking with not too much makeup on although it felt like it took forever to put hardly anything on.

"No problem! It was fun." She says, smiling proudly to herself. I grab my bag, about to start walking out of the room. "Rosalind please!" I hear Abraham beg from upstairs. "You can come down I'm finally done with her, you whiny baby!" Rosalind yells, sounding annoyed.

With that, Abraham made his way downstairs in no time. When he looked at me I couldn't help but blush, he looked at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and although it felt like a cheesy moment, it was a good cheesy moment. "You look-" he was about to compliment me when Rosalind interrupted. "Amazing, yeah yeah, Collison already said so like a billion times." That's when I froze. Rosalind had probably brought that up without thinking anything of it because she and Abraham did not know about Collison and I, but it still felt odd.

Abraham gave me a weird look but I ignored it, giving him a smile. "Ready?" I ask. He nods. "Thanks again Rosalind." I say before letting Abraham grab my hand in his and lead us out the door.


After a thirty minute drive to wherever Abraham had planned on taking us, we finally arrived at our destination. I was surprised to figure out the destination was a small restaurant that seemed to really just be a hole in the wall. But going in it looked really fancy and pretty. The atmosphere was quiet with maybe one or two couples in there. The lights were dimmed.

Abraham whispered something to the waiter that had greeted us when we walked in. With that he lead us up a small set up stairs to what seemed like a private second level to the restaurant. He sat us a two person table.

I sat, feeling suddenly very nervous. Everything seemed really perfect and it was just a lot to take in, I guess.

"wow." I was speechless once the waiter walked away. "Do you like it?" He asks, arching his eyebrow at me. I nod with a smile. I did like it but still, I was nervous this was just too good of a date and it being our first made everything more nerve-wrecking.

"Where did you fine this place?" I ask. "Well, around the time my dad died, Rosalind hadn't really got out of the house so I took her out, we drove around for awhile and when we found this place- I don't know it kind of became special to us." I smiled, blushing.

"And you brought me here?" I ask. He nods. "It can be our special place." Once again it sounded cheesy. But I didn't mind.


The night went on fast. We had dinner and talked about endless things that probably weren't very important but we laughed quite a lot.

The end of the date was nearing. We had finished eating around 8.

"I have a preposition for you." Abraham said suddenly, he sounded serious. "Okay?" I arch an eyebrow, wondering what his "preposition" was.

"I know you're too stubborn and wouldn't move back in with me. Which I still think is unfair." I was about protest but he laughed and shook his head. "But my preposition is that, you move back in with me and I'll put you to work doing what my normal pack members usually do."

It didn't sound too bad. I'd be working for him well living with him. I was still unsure because I still felt as if I needed to protect Sam from this life but- well quite honestly it felt too late for that.

There was no reason not to. "Okay." I nod. "There's also another catch." He adds. I sigh, I didn't expect there to be a catch but I almost feel like I should've. "Okay, what?" I ask, sighing slightly.

He takes in a deep breath, examining my face. He than stands up, grabbing something out of his pocket.

Before I knew it, he was getting down on one knee. My eyes went wide in shock. I most definitely didn't expect this.

"You don't have to marry me now. I won't rush you, we can do this on your own terms but- even though we haven't been together for very long, I know I want you forever." He starts.

"So, Alexa, will you marry me, eventually?" He asks, opening the small box with the beautiful ring in it.

I felt shocked. Never in a billion years would I ever think this would happen. Marry Abraham? Something that would never be on my agenda a few months back.

I felt breathless and I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until Abraham spoke up. "Alexa, breath." He says slightly laughing. I let out my breath, slightly laughing along with him.

Finally I nodded. "Yeah?" He asks, sounding relieved. "Yes." He stood up and grabbed my hand, taking me into a hug. "You have no idea-" he starts, whispering in my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck as he did so. "How happy this makes me." He finishes.

I gulped down the lump that had formed in my throat, hugging him back and trying my hardest to not think about what all this met.

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