The gun

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Well here I was. In this stupid bedroom, being held against my fucking will! God I'm so fucking pissed I want to fucking slap everyone and kill everyone and make them all die! UGH!

I get a little overboard when I'm pissed. But can you blame me? It was around what I'd think would be 3 or 4 pm, I really didn't know since I didn't have a clock or phone. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hungry. But I hardly cared about food at this exact moment! All I wanted to do was get the hell out of this place. I figured if I can find some sort of weapon, I'd be able to escape, but first I needed to get out of this room!

So I walked over to the door and tried to open it, only it was locked. Ugh. I than started to knock on it, figuring it was the only way to get it open. And sure enough, it did open. Rosalind smiled at me.

"Something I can do for you?" She asks. "Take me home?" She frowns. "Sorry I can't." I sigh. "I'm hungry." I mutter. She than nods. "Okay, give me a second." She than proceeds to shut the door on my face and lock it. I sigh and just lean against the wall until a few minutes later the door unlocked and opened. But instead of it being Rosalind, it was Abraham. That jerk.

"Follow me." He says. I nod and follow him out the door and down the stairs. He kept looking behind him to make sure I was still there. We than got into the kitchen, and he sat me down on a table. "Someone will be down shortly to cook you something." He said.

I nod, and for like a minute he stood there and stared at me. I felt like I was being judged or something with his stare. I gulp down the lump in my throat and than he finally left.

Soon after some guy came downstairs and asked what I wanted. The only thing that came to mind was waffles, and I honestly wasn't going to eat them. All I wanted was a knife to get the window upstairs to pry open.

Within 10 minutes he had a stack of waffles in front of me. He gave me butter and syrup, and to my advantage, a fork and knife.

He than sat on a barstool in front of the counter, and stared down at his phone.

I knew for a fact that he was there to watch me. I pushed the knife off the table, pretending like it fell, I bent down to grab it, and instead stuck it into the hem of my skinny jeans. I flinched at the cold medal against my bare skin. I suddenly said a sudden prayer, praying to God that no one would see the knife somehow, and that the knife wouldn't cut or stab me somehow either. I've gotten stabbed already once in the last 24 hours, I don't need it to happen again!

I than ate one waffle, and kept looking all around the kitchen. I bet you I can find a better weapon in here, or somewhere if I can get an excuse to leave! Ugh!

I than got an idea. "I need to go pee." I announce. "Bathrooms down the hall behind me. Don't think you can escape that way either." He says. I nod and walk down the hall. There were 3 doors. I opened the first room, wondering if it would be the bathroom, but nope. It was just a cleaning closet with cleaning supplies. But I proceeded to search in there, being as quite as possible. There wasn't anything.

I than opened the next door and it was the bathroom. I walked in and searched through it, but like I thought, there wasn't anything either.

I than opened the last door, it was a coat closet. I searched and searched, up until I came to a wooden box. I slowly opened it and gasped. I begin to sit on my knees thanking God, telling him I'd do anything he wanted as long as I got out of here. I slowly reached inside and pulled out the gun out of the box. I checked to see if there was any ammo and of course God supplied me with that as well!

Ugh. I stuck the gun into the other side of my jeans, and gasped against at the cold medal against my skin.

I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen. "Okay I'm ready to go upstairs." I say. He nods and leads me upstairs, back into the bedroom.

I took this time to grab the gun out, and hide it under the blankets. I than grabbed the knife out and started trying to get the nails out of the window, and to my luck again, they budged. I hid the knife in my pants again, just in case if I needed a immediate weapon.

I opened the window, grabbed my gun, and was about to walk out of it, until the door to the bedroom opened. I immediately held the gun up to Abraham who had just opened the door. He narrowed his eyes, not even looking scared of the gun!

He arches his eyebrow, looking somewhat amused. I than did something I didn't think I'd ever do, I pushed the trigger, and nothing happened. He walked over towards me, yanked the gun out of my hands and whispered; "if you're gonna use it, you might want to turn off the safety lock." I gulp down the lump in my throat, and than remembered the knife.

Within a swift movement, I pulled it out and stabbed it through his leg.

The whole time I was doing that, I was screaming like hell. I really didn't want to stab him but I had no other choice. He yelped in pain, obviously taken back. He dropped the gun and I quickly picked it up, making sure safety lock was off, and than jumped out the window.

I begin running and running, and when I turned around, I was shocked to see him running after me. The knife was out of his leg, and a puddle of blood was on his jeans.

I stopped in my tracks, pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger.

And me being the complete idiot I am, passed out afterwards.

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