Try me part 1

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I waited patiently with my window open for Collison. I didn't really have a way to reach him because sadly I didn't have money to pay for my phone bill, I'm not even sure if I have an apartment anymore. It feels as if I disappeared from the face of the earth.

I haven't seen Jack since the day I was being chased by that guy. And I'm not sure what he thinks about me and my brother being gone.

It's all very confusing.

I had told Collison to make sure to come over again, maybe we can do something fun again..

Although I didn't plan that today, I had a few questions. I wanted to know why his brother and sister hated him so much and what was the beef between them, because obviously there is beef.

I was dressed in my red and blue flannel along with my skinny jeans and beanie. It was pouring rain outside, and the day seemed depressing. I felt bored and I also felt as if I needed to figure out my life. Here I am living with strangers that literally kept me hostage for a few months, now here I am willingly living with them without even understanding why.

I figure Collison can also help me out with that. Maybe he had some kind of advice for me, although I doubted it. I don't think anyone on earth has ever been in my situation.

"You're gonna fall." I look down from the window seeing Collison. He was dressed in a black hoodie and beige shorts.

I was sitting on the window with legs out dangling from the top floor of the house. If I fell I'm sure I wouldn't die I had jumped out of this window plenty of times before.

"I am not." I shake my head. "I have a good grip." I say, pushing my self forward and back as if I was getting ready to jump.

"You're gonna give me a heart attack." He yells up. "You'd catch me if I fell right?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"Nope, because you're the dumb ass that made yourself fall." He shrugs making me gasp.

"You are a jerk! Now catch me." I say, getting ready to jump. I figured it was a good idea not to go out the front door and be questioned by Abraham and Rosalind. If they knew I was out with Collison I think they actually would put me on lock down again.

"Fine." He says, positioning himself to catch me.

With that I pushed myself off the window ledge and fall straight down.

With in no time I was in Collison's arms bridal style.

I wasn't exactly sure how he had such fast reflexes, but he did.

If it was me catching someone from there, I don't think I'd have enough time to even ready myself to catch them.

"thanks." I hop off of Collison, landing on my feet.

"You're welcome." He smiles, slightly chuckling.

"So what exactly do you want to do today? How much time do you have before you have to go back to prison?" He asks sarcastically. I send him a glare. "I don't have rules there, I just live with them. I'm aloud to be out all night without being locked up." I point out.

"I'm sure Abraham would freak if you were out all night." He says.

"How do you know?" I cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at him.

"He's my brother, and you wouldn't exactly understand why he'd freak out." He shrugs. "Try me."

He sighs, shaking his head. "Wish I can, but unfortunately if you don't know by now than you never will." With that he turned around, beginning to walk through the woods in front of us.

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