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Ugh I hate my life so much! How the hell do I get lice?! I'll tell you how! All I have to do is be stuck in a bedroom, in a house that's in the woods where all nasty crappy things are including freaking lice! God I'm gonna kill someone.

"Okay I'm ready." Abraham walks in with a shower cap on his head, latex gloves on, and holding some scissors. "I figure we just chop off some of the hair and than deal with the rest." He shrugs. My eyes go wide. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm not letting you cut my freaking hair!" I yell. He flinches.

"You have the longest hair I've ever seen Alexa, we just have to cut like a few inches or else there's no way you're gonna get rid of that lice.." He says. I bite my lip, glaring at him. "Fine but so help me god if you cut too much or mess up I'll kill you." I point out. He nods.

"Why don't we do this in my bathroom?" He asks. I narrow my eyes and nod.

I follow him out the door and down the hallway into a room. It was a huge bedroom with a beautiful king sized canopy bed, with black curtains around it. There was a window seat with a stack of books on it, and a big flat screen tv hanging up. There was also a white dresser and a black couch to the right. There were 2 other doors in the bedroom, one I'm assuming is the bathroom and the other, the closet.

I follow him into one of the doors, which turned out to be the bathroom. The bathroom was pretty huge. It has a separate shower and bath, with 2 individual sinks on the bathroom counter. I'm guessing this was the master bedroom.

"Here take a seat." Abraham says, putting a barstool right in front of the bathroom counter and mirror. I take a seat, awkwardly might I add. "So umm, I've never cut hair before.." He whispers.

"Just try to cut a even line, and don't cut too much." I say. He nods before grabbing a piece of my straight hair. I flinch as he starts cutting a piece. "Don't you trust me?" He asks, making me laugh harshly. "Don't answer that." He mutters before continuing to cut my hair.

"So tell me about yourself." I say. He looks at me in the mirror. "What do you want to know?" He asks. "How old are you?" He looked like he was in his mid twenties. "24." He says. "You?" He asks.


"Does it look straight to far?" He asks moving my hair forward. "Yeah." I nod.

He pulls my hair back again, his finger tips grazing my neck slightly making me shiver.

I looked into the mirror, seeing my reflection and Abraham standing behind me, cutting away at my hair. He looked so concentrated in what he was doing. I took my time starring at him. His handsome face, God he was really hot. His blue eyes sparkled with the light in the bathroom, his beard made him look so gorgeous. His pink plum lips made me want to jump up and kiss him (I'm too short just to reach him)

I bite my lip, still starring at his beauty, when suddenly his eyes caught mine. I quickly look away blushing. "You made me get lice." I mutter, crossing my arms like a child. "It wasn't on purpose, but I'm sorry anyways." I look at him again in the mirror, he was still cutting my hair. I watched as the hair dropped on to the ground. God it took me like 3 years to grow that!


"Are you married?" I ask him suddenly. "No." I bite my lip. "Haven't met the right girl?" I ask. "No I have, she's beautiful and everything but she doesn't know how I feel." He whispers, looking at me once again in the mirror. "Why not?" I ask. "It's hard to explain, if she were to be with me.. well I come with a lot of baggage." He says.

"I'm sure if she feels the same way she can handle it." I say. He smiles at me. "Maybe."

"Okay I'm done." He says, pushing my hair forward. It no longer went to my butt, but instead half way up my back. "You did good." I whisper, running my hands through it. "Thank you." I sigh. "So what now?" I ask.

"Well I read online that mayo gets rid of it.." He says. My eyes go wide. "You want me to put maynoise in my hair?!" I spat. He shrugs. "If you want to get rid of your buddies, yes." I narrow my eyes at him. "Fine."

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