What I want

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I will not understand how y'all read this book! I get so many reads the minute I post a new chapter! I love you all and yet again, I wrote this all on my phone and wasn't on my laptop to have my software shit that edits my chapters on its own.. #fuckinglazy love you all and enjoy <3

"I cannot believe my brother proposed! I mean yeah, I'm pissed that he didn't tell me he was going to propose but you guys are engaged!! Ugh I'm so happy!" Rosalind squealed out, breathless when she was done.

I couldn't help but nervously laugh. "I mean we aren't engaged.." I trailed off. Her face turned into utter confused and I suddenly felt bad. I mean if we were being technical, it's not like I'm 'engaged' but there was a ring on my ring finger..

"What?" Rosalind asks, her cheerful smile gone. "It's more of a promise ring." I shrug. "What? He said it was a promise ring? That's all?" She sounded so upset about it. "Well no-" I was about to explain to her everything but she interrupted me.

"Did he get down on one knee?" she asks. "Yes bu-" "did he ask you to marry him?" She arched her eyebrow, looking at me with a knowing look.

"It wasn't a proposal. He said, and I quote! 'Will you marry me, eventually' that's not a proposal!" I hiss. Maybe she was right but in my mind I was trying my hardest to make this seem like exactly what it isn't.

"Well you are going to marry him eventually! It's probably just going to be a long engagement until you're ready." She shrugged. I frowned.

I mean- shit. Did I want to marry Abraham? Well of course! What kind of stupid question is that? Was this really a proposal? Did he actually ask me to marry him? And also how long is he willing to wait until I'm ready to marry him? I mean I assume there is a time limit?

God I should've asked him all these questions before saying yes and making out with him in the parking lot of the small restaurant he had taken me to, and supposably proposed to me at!

"Look Alexa, Abraham isn't going to force you into anything. This-" she lifts up my hand with the ring on it. "Is an engagement ring. And when you are ready to marry him, you will." She nods with her cheerful smile back on her face. "I- I have to go do something." I stood up and walked out of her bedroom.

My chest felt heavy and maybe I was being over dramatic but everything felt like a little too much. I had questions that I wanted to demand to be answered, but unfortunately I didn't have the guts to ask them, and I feel as if I know the answers to most of them!

I mean obviously the ring on my finger is an engagement ring, I'm obviously going to marry Abraham and I don't think Abraham will wait as long as I'd like him to for me to marry him.

But why was I freaking out about something that was so natural? What possibly could be standing in my way? My brother knows all about Abraham and what he is, I don't have to protect him from this world anymore! And nothing's holding me back from going to my old ways of working hard to live.

Things are so simple here. I'd be financially stable and be with someone I without a doubt, love. Plus I'd be contributing as Abraham said he would find me work here at his pack house. Everything felt as if it should be perfect. There was no reason to freak out about marrying Abraham. Yeah, I understand needing time before I walk down the isle and eventually saying 'I do' but I feel as if I should be 100% sure about this. Why the fuck was I feeling 99.9% sure?!!

"We need to talk." I bursted into Abraham room right as he took of his shirt.

And shit did I almost forget why I had bursted into his room anyways. I regained myself, shutting the door behind me. "About?" He arched his eyebrow questionably at me. "About what happened tonight!" I hiss, walking closer to him. "A little more specific, please?" I sigh.

"This." I lifted my hand up showing him the ring on my finger. "What about this?" He grabbed my hand, examining the ring on it. I watched him carefully as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my hand.

"It's an engagement ring?" My voice was low and slightly shaky. "I assumed you knew that?" He looked at me, obviously concerned. "So it is an engagement ring?" I sigh, dropping my hand from his grasp and taking a seat on his bed. "You sound disappointed?" As if I didn't feel bad already, Abrahams voice sounded disappointed itself. "No. I just guess I was a little confused after you proposed." I shrug.

"Why so?" He took a seat next to me, studying my face carefully. "Well you made it sound more like you were giving me a promise ring than an engagement ring." I point out. "Did the whole 'will you marry me' and the getting down on one knee not give it away?" He asks sounding a bit dumbfounded. "No- well no." I almost sounded defeated.

I had no idea why either. "You didn't have to say yes, Alexa." He sounded mad suddenly and I had a feeling he saw right through me. Saw the disappointment on my face. The disappointment I didn't even know why I had.

"I said yes because I meant it!" I point out. "You made it sound different when you proposed, that's all!" I shake my head. He stands up, walking to his dresser where he grabbed a shirt and slipped it over his head.

"Well I'm sorry I made a mistake by giving you an engagement ring and not a 'promise ring' just give it back if you don't want to marry me." He crossed his arms over his chest, starring at me intensely. "I didn't say I didn't want to marry you!" I yell.

"You know what Alexa? You're really fucking confusing and once you figure out what you fucking want, let me know!" With that he walked out of the bedroom and slammed the door.

I groaned, laying back on the bed, putting my hands over my face.

Man I felt like bitch.

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