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My eyes slowly open. I was laying in a bed, my side pain was easing but it was still there. My head was killing me, and my leg still hurt. I looked at my surroundings. I was on a bed in a well decorated room.

"You're awake!" I look up at a girl who looked to be around 16. "Where am I?" I ask. "My house." She smiles. "We stitched you all up and put a cast on your leg. You'll be fine." She smiles reassuringly. "What happened?" I ask.

"There was a vam- a guy chasing you. We kil- dealt with him." She looked a little confused but than just nodded and smiled again.

"Can I leave?" I ask. "Do you have family?" She asks. I nod eagerly. "I have a brother, he lives with me and I need to take care of him.." I whisper. "You're very bruised up, you aren't even fit to take care of yourself." She points out. "Still, I need to leave.." I bite my lip. "Just wait until my brother gets back home, we have to do everything through him and well it's his choice if you can leave or not."

I are my eyebrows. "His choice? I'm a free person!" I spat.

"Just calm down, you can sound threatening but your broken leg and bruised up lip say otherwise." She pushes me gently back on the bed, I hadn't even realized I had pushed myself up.

"Rest, my brother should be here in like 5 minutes." She smiles, taking a seat on a blue velvet chair next to the bed. "So what's your name?" She asks. "Alexa." She nods. "I'm Rosalind. How old are you?" She asks. "21."

"How old is your brother?" I bite my lip, unsure if I wanted to answer her questions. "13."

"Hmm.. I'm the smallest in my family. I have a brother who's 24, his name is Abraham. And my other brother Collison is 27... But I haven't seen him in a few years..." She looked down at her fingers, fiddling with them. "Why not?" I ask. She looked uncomfortable talking about it, but I mean I was in a random persons house, and someone had "stitched" me up and put a cast on me.

"It's a long story. He just kind of left us." She shrugs. "But Abraham is a great big brother and he takes care of me." She smiles. "So umm... How long was I out?" I ask. "Bout a day." She shrugs as I gasp with wide eyes. "A day?! Oh god I got to go, my brother must be so worried." I start picking myself up. I pulled the iv out of my arm and stood up. I was wearing a pink night gown and I can honestly say I hated it.

"No Alexa! You can't my brother isn't home yet.." She trails off, biting her lip. "I don't care, thank you for saving me I'll send you a check, but I got to go!" I wince at the pain in my side. "Fine... Umm I can give you some clothes, we're about the same size." She gets up and walks out of the bedroom.

I sigh, sitting up on the bed. My body feel so utterly sore. God how did I get myself in such a situation?

Ugh! God Sam must be so worried home alone! I really need to get back to him. I wasn't even sure how that guy ended up trying to kill me. It was so weird!

I was walking home from work when I noticed a guy wearing all black following me. So I decided to try and get him off my tail. I kept turning down random streets until I ended up in the woods. I thought for sure he wouldn't notice me slip into the woods and even if he did, he wouldn't follow me in there either. But when I saw him walk after me, I begin running like hell!

He didn't even bother to run after me, he just watched me as I ran and he sped walked. But as I was running, I had turned around to see if he was still there and he wasn't. So I stopped running and begin walking back out of the woods, that's when I saw something move in the trees and suddenly there was a knife in my side. I screamed so loud I'm sure the whole city heard me.

If I wanted to continue running I needed to pull the knife out of me, and for some reason I thought it would be like pulling a thumb tack out of your foot when you step on one, only I was wrong and it hurt a billion times worse.

I tried just yanking it out but to my failure, that didn't work and only hurt me more. I slowly yanked it out and chucked it on the ground, and than I begin trying to run again, I clearly couldn't run as fast I was before, not when I was trying to stop myself from bleeding too much. That's when I tripped over a log and became unconscious.

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