Chapter 1

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Caroline POV

"Elena?" I asked.

"I know I am running late, but you will love your birthday present!" Elena started "And I know you are probably waiting for me, but just go ahead I will be there soon I am getting in the car-"

"Elena stop!" I yelled interrupting her.

"Caroline? Is everything ok?" Elena asked with sympathy.

"No, nothing's ok" I sniffled.

"I will be there in five." Elena's voice filled my ears with concern.

I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to get a tissue. I wiped my tears and blew my nose. I hate when your nose is so stuffy after you cry. I went into my room to grab a new pair of jeans and blouse. I had some blood on my dress from a blood bag this afternoon. A second after I finished getting dressed I heard the door open. I knew it was Elena and I burst into tears again. Elena rushed over to me and hugged me without hesitation. This is a big reason why I love Elena. She knows, she always knows when you need something. She knows if you need space or if you need comfort. And right now I need comfort.

"Oh my god Caroline what happened?"

"T-tt Tyler he broke up with me!" I struggled to get the words out.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!"

"Elena please don't get upset about this you don't need anything else on your plate you have Jeremy to worry about and with Klaus all over you about the doppelgänger blood and those stupid hybrids...." I trail off.

"Ok but I am making some tea." Elena insisted.

"Thank you." I said following her into the kitchen.

"For what making tea? It is not that big of a deal." Elena said as she grabs the kettle.

"Well yeah thanks for the tea, but also for everything else, being there for me when my dad died and being here now for...this....situation. So thank you." As I thanked her I grabbed the tea bags and two white and lavender colored tea cups.

"Your welcome Caroline. But what exactly is this situation you are dealing with?" Elena asked.

Elena and I started leaning against the island in the kitchen to talk while we wait for the tea. Elena, I noticed wanted details so I tried to get it all out with out crying again.

"Well I asked Tyler to come over early so we could have some alone time you know, before everyone came." Elena stared at me with curiosity and nodding with understand meant.

"When Tyler arrived I was so excited to see what he got me for my birthday. Then when I saw him he got very serious and told me to sit down." I felt a knot forming in my throat as I started to recall the events. "He started with 'we have been dating for a very long time' so I was all excited but then he said 'and I think we should take a break.' I thought he was kidding, but he was dead serious and I was about" I burst into tears. There I go, getting through it with out crying. Elena grabbed me and I snuggled up to her chest a minute later her phone rang and she glanced at it. I could tell it was Stefan by the expression in her face. I got up from her chest and said to her, "You should probably take that."

"No no I am with you. Ok?" Elena said with insurance.

"No I am fine. I know it is Stefan." I raised an eyebrow. It stopped ringing and Elena looked at it in her hand.

"You sure?"

"Yes! Call him back!" I said and motion her to go to the living room. I stood there for a second and the tea went off loudly and nearly scared the living daylight out of me. I took it off, poured it in the two tea cups, set the kettle back on the stove, and went back to the tea cups to pour sugar and honey in the smooth liquid. As I stirred I could hear Elena and I tried not to listen in, but with what I heard it sounded like they were in an argument.

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