Chapter 5

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"Umm Can we make another stop... please?" I ask quietly.

The silence stretched and when no one spoke or broke eye contact ,I looked at the ground and spoke a bit louder...

"I need to give my friend something before we leave" then added "I don't know when i'll get to see her again" Using what was supposed to be a pleading voice I guess it worked because after Moor and Jackson exchanged a look, Moor spoke up...

"Yes, if the stop is in our way, we are running behind schedule as it is" Moor said sternly, I guess referring to my 45 minute shower.

"It is!" I said with too much excitement which earned me a couple questioning looks,

What did I do now?? Ohhh Shit I wasn't supposed to know where we're going ... Smart mouth of mine I may deprive you from lip palm as a punishment for your stupid stupid actions.

"Its less than 10 minutes away from here" I said making it sound like I meant it wasn't far away and I didn't know where Marcos's Estate was. Then added " I wont take long I promise, Its very important that I se..."

"Fine" Moor cut me mid sentence probably too irritated by my nagging.

We all piled into the car in the same arrangement as before, I gave Cameron the address to the night club where Cynthia the friend I was going to see worked. We arrived faster than expected it was just after sunset and there were only a few cars and people around, good I wouldn't catch a glimpse of her if it was busy inside, I wanted to get out but I was trapped between Moor and Jackson and non seemed inclined to get out, I cleared my throat and nodded my head towards the door reminding them the purpose we were here In the first place was for me to give something to someone as vague as that seemed.

"Umm I kinda need to get out of the car in order to .. you know get on with it.. fast" I remarked sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Call your friend" Moor said.

"I don't have a phone" I answered him in a flat tone.

"What teenage girl doesn't have a phone?!" Bright spokeup for the first time and his voice sounded so edgy like a knife's edge.. edgy it can cut you sorta way but still sexy as hell with the German deep accent and all.. ummmmm delicious, then it hit me he was implying that I was lying wasn't he?! either that or he was making fun of me, well screw him and his sexy voice.

"A teenage girl with no love for social media" I said in a harsher tone than the one I used earlier

"Do you work here?" Jackson asked in a tone that sounded disapproving, see this particular night club was the kind with the hired dancers on the pole, back rooms with prostitution, illegal gambling rings and drug dealing, it was very obvious they knew that as well.

"She does, now please move so I can get out of the car" I answered him getting impatient, weren't they in a hurry being behind schedule and all ?!

Jackson opened the door and got out and held it open for me, I got out and started walking towards the club's entrance but I didn't hear the car door close instead I heard three more open then all four close ... juuuust great they were following me in, but whatever Its not like I cared that as soon as we step in they'll realize am regular and everyone knows me for a reason or two, whatever I don't care what they think of me, right? Then why do I feel like running away and hiding behind a wall somewhere far far away from their judging eyes.

When we reached the bouncer I wanted to say hello then tell him they were with me so imagine my shock when Big J 'the bouncer' looked at us and made people move aside and opened the way for us, Well that was easier than expected.

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