Chapter 33

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"You look ..." Jackson trailed as he saw me descending the stairs.

"Stunning, gorgeous, sensational" Fin supplied and continued making me squirm in the last step wondering if I should run back upstairs "outstanding, magnifice ..."

Both the Robert brothers looked Breath taking unfairly handsome in their suits, I had to tear my eyes away and focus on Nate as he spoke.

"We get it MY date looks beautiful" Nate interrupted with an eye roll.

I laughed along with Debra, as she added "She does doesn't' she!" then she stepped up and pulled me into a hug "You're going to give me beautiful grandchildren one day" she whispered into my ear, and I know she didn't mean for anyone else to hear, or to embarrass me but alas, my tomato face darkened 20 shades further, as Jackson coughed and I heard Fin say under his breath 'damn right we will' or something like that, my ears were buzzing from embarrassment and not about the statement as much as the implication of the process of making these babies, with Jackson or Fin... or both?!

'Oh god ... I have a dirty mind!' I thought to myself

'It isn't unheard of, for a Female to have two mates' My mind drifted ideas into my conscious

'Except neither is my mate, nor will I have one' Why was I having these thought, now and about the Robert brothers! I thought I liked Blake! Speaking of whom, he was looking handsome as ever in his tuxedo joining as in the living room.

Then I looked at Nate and smiled then said "Thank you Nate" controlling my blushing.

"Lets take pictures before you go, am sure in the party chaos later we won't be able to drag you away from the Future Luna" Debra Joked and held up a camera. I nodded and we took many pictures, laughing and making silly faces and individual pictures with each other. Before I knew what was happening we were dancing in a music video, and Jackson was the MC alright with his ridiculous dance moves, We were having so much fun till someone clearing his throat interrupted us.

"As much as looking at you making fools of your selves we should get going" Bright said, sounding bored but you could tell he found the situation entertaining.

See if you walk into the room to find 2 warriors and their mother dancing along with the half-witch wolf and her half-brother and her back and forth love interest you would laugh as well.

"My Lady" Nate said and crooked his elbow for me and I slipped my hand in his, the height difference with my heels on made the walk hard but I was sure we will be able to manage.

After laughing it off, we walked outside, where the small plane Marcos sent was waiting for us.

Alpha Logan, Luna Scarlet and their two children, Jennifer and Joseph waited along with Nora and Toma and Nina and Bella and Taylor, whom her excuse for coming was, and I quote "Your Erik seemed interesting" referring to Cameron, ever since she saw him and she would find a way to spend time with him, she even invited herself to one of my sleepovers with Lea, in which we didn't see her till the time I had to go back.

"I guess she's why you're going, I know you are not a fan of Moor" I stated to Bright looking at Bella, he just grunted, I guess he reached his word capacity for the day. I took the chance of him being distracted and took a selfie with him and Nate. Nate caught on and made a face.

Just as we were boarding the plane another chopper approached, One of the White Moon members who was the captain told us it was theirs, and we waited till it landed and then saw Cameron getting off and walking towards us.

"Lea sent me for you, she couldn't reach you" Cameron said facing me after greeting the Alpha and everyone.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and checked my phone, I had put it in airplane mode because Lea kept calling and I had to get ready.

"NO ITS AN EMERGENCY" he said dramatically and I rolled my eyes at him "We have to go buy her new shoes, the other one doesn't fit"

"I told her it was too small, and she said it will fit and it's just new and what not, ugh!"

"Well now we're going to the mall, yey" not so enthusiastically but then he smirked at me. And reached for my arm linking it in his "Guess she's my date now, sorry buddy!" he faked apologized to Nate.

"Am going too"

"I wanna go"

"Am coming"

"Yeah lets go"

I don't know who said what, except the ' I wanna go too' am sure it was Taylor, after all she was making love eyes at Cam since she saw him set foot on land.

The rest were Blake, Jackson and... Joseph? Well that I didn't see coming, I thought it would be Fin, where was Fin? I looked around to see him already fasting his seat belt in the Chopper, realy smart move, note to self in the future don't waste time asking permission and just go for it. I smiled at him and he smiled and winked putting a headphone.

"Well then I guess we have a third wheel to our 2nd Date" Cam gave me a crooked smile and I tried hard not to focus on the sensation of burning eyes at the back of my skull.

After finally taking off the ground, I took one last look to see Blake still standing there his hands in his pockets and looking at the chopper, I waved at him and saw him wave back just before he turned around and walked back into the house. He isn't coming anymore?! Why?

I sighed. Oh boy, this is going to be a long night!


After what seemed like forever at the mall we finally were boarding the chopper again to head to the White Moon Pack residence where Lea's and Marcos's engagement party was held.

Cameron phone rung for the hundredth time, he rolled his eyes as he answered.

"Tell Princess Luna we're on our way and found her glass slippers" Cam said into the phone.

Suddenly his face went pale and his breathing quickened, his heart seemed to stop completely, then start with the loudest thud I ever heard. His phone slipped from his hand and he started to shake, he was shifting, in the roof top of a building in the middle of the city, he was loosing control.

"CAMERON! CALM DOWN, what happened?!" I said jumping to his side, but Fin pulled me back, afraid for me from the rage of a shifting wolf.

I gave Fin a look then slipped from his arms and stood infront of Cam and held him into me "Breath Cam, Breath" his shivering lessened, and his breathing seemed less raged.

After 5 pregnant seconds he finally looked up to me and opened his eyes... red blood shot tearful eyes.

"Its Lea... She's... she's dead"

 she's dead"

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Sorry.. well i did tell you to enjoy the last pieceof peace XP

Comment, vote and you know it muuuch love



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