Chapter 10

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I was used to the nightmares, it didn't make it easier or more bearable, but... The audience was a new thing, I always remembered to take my sleeping pills during my stay with Cynthia, actually I almost always remembered the pills, but the past two days were too exhausting both mentally and physically.

After collecting the pieces of my scattered pride, I took one last look at myself in the mirror, breathed in ,and walked out of the bathroom.

Bright was still in bed, at least he had the decency to pretend to sleep through my earlier outburst, When I stepped to the other side of the room , I saw Jackson standing by the window looking out, I went to my bag in the floor, and took out my sleeping medicine and pain killers. Took a tab from each bottle and put them back in the bag, then went to the minibar and poured two glasses of Whiskey, I took my pills with a big gulp, refilled my half empty glass, and walked to Jackson's side, Then I offered him the second glass, and he took it. The whole time we didn't look at each other, we stood there, nothing but the sound of our breathing, we were drinking and watching the night sky, it was beautiful view and being away from the city lights made it better, the Moon was out reflecting its light, with stars scattered all around.

After a while I spoke, breaking the spell...

"Thank you" I said and meant it, he turned slightly towards me and smiled, then reached for my empty glass and walked to the minibar, putting both glasses down. Then sat on the sofa and pat dawn the spot next to him, and I joined him.
It felt like a weird normal thing to do.
He was sitting with his back resting to the back of the sofa slightly turned to me, his right foot folded beneath him, while the left one remained in the ground. I was leaning my back in the sofa's arm and had my knees pulled up to my chest, with both arms around them, and my head resting sideways into the sofa's back, fully turned towards Jackson.

"So..." he started speaking, I guess he didn't know how to approach the subject.

"So..." I replied.. Not knowing how to start either.

"Does It happen often?" he spoke, referring to the nightmares, they did, more often than not when I don't take my pills .But I wasn't about to tell him that, so I just smiled and shrugged. Which looked sorta funny with the position I was sitting in.

"Do you drink often?" he asked again, with no judgment in his voice, just concern.

"It helps, but am not an alcoholic if that's what you're asking" I joked trying to lighten the mood.

The conversation carried out easier from there, he asked about Cynthia and her daughter, he even asked about Suski and who she was, after I told him she was a with he asked how it was to live with one, like it was such a weird concept because witch's and wolfs didn't really get along.

Then he told me about himself. He traveled a lot although he was a pack's warrior, he often went on long distance assignments. But all and all he was one of the top dogs, pun intended.

He also told me about the Fallen Crest Pack, Alpha Logan and his wife Luna Scarlett, they had two kids, Joseph and Jennifer, they were twins. He told me his pack had 29 members. It was a small pack, but he liked it. They were his family, then he told me he was a middle child , he had two brothers, Fin was the name of the older one and Lucas was the name of his younger brother. I also understood Locus wasn't part of the pack, and there was obvious family drama there, he didn't elaborate and I didn't intrude...

The whole time he spoke about his pack he was smiling, he looked proud and I could tell he loved them immensely. Then suddenly his smile was replaced with a serious look..

"You're so much alike, but at the same time you're so different, you and Nora" He told me, speaking carefully, testing my mood.

"How so?" I asked, generally curious

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