Chapter 16

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I spent Sunday morning with Nate at his room, it was a typical 9 years old kid's room, Single bed pushed to the corner with a night stand, a wardrobe and a dresser with a mirror, a desk with books and shelf with more books and comic magazines, and toys, or 'action figures'' as he kept correcting me, posters on the wall some I recognized and some I didn't but most were of The Flash ofcorse. We played video games on his PC and, while he convinced me help him sort out his closet, somehow he ended up on the bed telling me about his theory of Neverland, and how he was team Captain Hook all the way, for some reason not growing up was an outrageous concept, I listened while I was on the floor folding his clothe.

A while later Bella came and called us for breakfast, we had breakfast in the house dining room, it was Nate, Bella , Nina, Nora and I. After breakfast Nora asked if I wanted to go to town with her to get supplies for school, That I was supposed to start tomorrow. I agreed, went to my room and changed, took money from my savings and met her outside. Then we headed to town with Nate tagging along.

The car ride was 15 minutes, and the town was more like a city, it was hectic with traffic and people filling the sidewalks and everything, on the bright side it had all the popular shops I loved, it had Dunkin Donuts too, which was my favorite, Dunkin donuts had the best Munchkins ... Ummm the Glazed chocolate ones, my mouth watered just thinking of the taste, On the way Nate kept showing me around, pointing to various spots, he showed me a restaurant owned by the pack, it seemed famous, I could see the parking lot filled with cars, he showed me the public Highschool, but told me I'd be starting in the Private school, across town with Levi, Taylor and Blake, Nora told me she would show me around it later, when we go to get the uniform.. greaaaat! I was starting school, that had a uniform with Blake who been avoiding me all morning, even when I saw him earlier on my way to Nate's room, he basically ran the other direction, I just couldn't wait for the first day of school! Please not the sarcasm...

We parked in a mall parking lot and headed inside, I kept reminding myself I had to shop reasonably, two hours later, I was holding five bags of clothes, underwear, shoes and accessories and three new bags and Still walking through the mall, Surprisingly Nate seemed to be having fun, except at victoria's secret, he stood outside like a vampire infront of holy ground.. He did help me pick stuff at other shops and made me try them for him. At every cashier Nora tried to pay for me, but I beat her to it, she had insisted to pay everytime, but I wouldn't let her, I think that hurt her feelings a bit ,but I had money and it didn't feel right to take her money, it was enough I lived off of them, and am sure they paid for the private school too.

We stopped infront of a window with dresses on the display...

"Lets go inside" Nora said and we did, we browsed for a while , then we carried all the options and went to the changing rooms area, Nate sat on the couch with all the bags next to him, me and Nora tried dresses and modeled them for him, he was taking pictures and we were laughing and being silly, me and Nora even did double poses , with our backs to eachother and holding our hands like guns, Charlie's angels style and everything.

I was done trying the dresses and I picked only one, after I paid for it , I went to wait with Nate..

"You'll make a great boyfriend one day" I teased him commenting on his ability to keep up with our shopping frenzy. He smiled and then looked sad

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

"I don't want to have a girlfriend, I want a mate" he spoke sadly, It was rare for mates to meet. It was a one in a million chance.

"You'll find your mate one day, don't worry buddy" I reassured nudging him a little with my elbow.

"Highly unlikely, It's a one in a million chance JJ" he repeated what I thought sadly. I got up and walked infront of him and crouched down, so we were eye level.

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