Chapter 8

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"See I moved into town eight months ago...."

Then I continued to I explained how I had no money and no place to go, and spent two days in the streets without eating or sleeping, before Cynthia had found me, basically passed out from exhaustion, I skipped the part where there were three perverts trying to have their way with my unconscious body, she had chased them away with pepper spray, and threatened she would scream bloody murder, I kid you not she actually said ' I'll scream bloody murder if you don't get the fuck outta here!' while spraying the pepper pray into the air around them. Anyway I told them next about how she practically dragged me back to her apartment ,trusted me with her daughter around, fed me and took care of me, a complete stranger had showed me kindness, I had forgotten existed. After few hours of sleep, I recovered and wanted to leave, but she insisted that I stay with here till I figured things out, She got me a job as a waitress in a restaurant close to her apartment. After about a month I had gotten back onto my own two feet, and rented the studio I had been living in, although she had wanted me to stay at her apartment, but I knew her place wasn't big enough for the three of us. Then I told them about how I earned most of my money, Cards it was that simple, when you look innocent and sweet, people don't think you have it in you to cheat, they always thought of me as easy money, little did they know.

"How did I keep up your winning streak?" Cameron asked curious, he was the first to interrupt me since I started telling them my story.

"I count cards" I told him, it's humanly possible for people with high enough IQ. And noooooo I wasn't lying and it was not magic that would be like supernatural cheating, Suski taught me better.

No one else spoke while I continued telling them about how Jared was harassing Cynthia, without details, then how I came up with a plan to stop him by sabotaging his business, after weeks of hanging out and making connections with the right people, or wrong in this case, you know things. I had finally found my way into his underground ring, and once inside I took pictures and recorded a video, but one of Jared's men caught me, but I beat his ass up, didn't mention this part though, I didn't need questions about my strength right now. Anyway I had dialed 911 and tried to getaway but the cops showed up before I managed to slip away unnoticed.

"... and that is how I ended up getting arrested" I took a deep breath and then a gulp of water. Before looked around me... their expressions were different

Jackson seemed yet again impressed, Moor looked a bit guilty, he clearly had the wrong idea about me, Cameron seemed shocked, Bright just looked bored, Marcos had his signature smile on, Mr. Sullivan had a neutral face but his eyes sparkled a little, he was the first to speak..

"You're very brave little human"

"Or very stupid" Cameron spoke, then realized his voice was raised, he continued more calmly "depending how you look at it, Jared is a very dangerous man AJ" Cameron said.

I was taken aback by his use of my name, made me raise my eyes from the glass of water and look at him, I shrugged.

A few minutes of silence, I was sure everyone was communicating with their own pack members.I was also pretty sure Jackson and/or Bright had their Alpha listening in the whole time, I didn't mind though, saved me the trouble of repeating the story twice ..not that I would've forget some details, because I wasn't lying or anything... they could tell by the rhythm of my heart beat you know, wolf hearing and all.

'If you withhold information, you wouldn't be lying, and they wont be able to tell ' ... that's what Suski told me during one of our lessons. She called our lessons Witch 101.

The memory made me smile.

The conversation beside me was still carrying on, they spoke about business between packs, and updates on trading and politics I wasn't interested in. so I zooned out listening to the sound of their voices but not the words, till I heard Marcos ..

"Jackson, I would like it if you join us for diner, spend the night, its already late, my helicopter will take you home first thing in the morning" he spoke his voice polite but commanding.

"We wouldn't want to intrude Alpha. Thank you" Jackson replied.. Trying to decline politely, but Marcos would have non of it.

"I insist" Marcos said , Jackson accepted, After checking with his Alpha am sure.

"very well.  i'll see you at dinner, Yolanda will show you to your rooms" Marcos said standing up and so did everyone else , just then Yolanda opened the door with a smile.

"One room would be enough" Jackson spoke while we were all heading out of the room, what did he just say?? 'one room' as in him and Bright? or as all of us?!, when it finally registered I opened my mouth to object, but Jackson gave me a look that made me clamp my mouth shut.

After everyone said goodbye and we'll meet in an hour for dinner, Yolanda showed us to the room, it was just like the house, a peace of modern beauty, when you enter you see a big white couch facing a rectangular fireplace, the modern kind that's part of the wall, above it was a flat screen TV. And a white rug that covered the middle of the wooden floor with a coffee table in the center, could see my duffle bag on the floor next to it, directly infornt of the door was a wall length window facing a garden, A different one from the one you could see from the other room; since we were on the opposite side of the room we were in earlier, we were still on the first floor though. This room also had a small refrigerator like the ones you find in hotels, and had a minibar, Once you step inside you see an arch opening in the left corner, it leads to another square space with tall glass windows, it has two single beds in the wall facing the arch with a nightstand between them, a wardrobe and a side bored all coloured dark brown and seemed to belong to the same set, there was a an open door leading to the bathroom, a few paintings and vase decorated the room.

Being distracted by the beauty of the place I forgot to note the Ins and Outs, refocusing i took another look around, noting the single door and the glass windows. they would do in case I want to escape, not that I was planning to or anything.

"There are towels in the bathroom, a change of clothe in the closet and water, snacks and drinks in the refrigerator" Yolanda told us "I prepared two rooms for you, in case you change your mind" She said the last part while looking at.

"Thank you" Jackson tells her, she looked at him then back at me. I give her a big smile and mouthed 'thank you' to her she turned and left, closing the door behind her.

Bright walked to the other side of the room to do ... I dunno, whatever mysterious wolfs do.

"Soooo..." I turned to jackson, who had his shirt off, and was only wearing an undershirt, I blushed, because, well ... just because! He just looked at me like I was crazy, then crossed his arms.

 just because! He just looked at me like I was crazy, then crossed his arms

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"Did you guys maybe... wanted to shower?" I asked trying to remove the awkwardness, then realize what that sounded like, I blushed even more then mumbled "Sorry.. I just meant I want to go explore, but didn't want to go first incase you wanted to use ..."

I was cut by Jackson's laugh... Jackson was laughing ,it was very nice laugh may I add, I laughed too, I had no idea why but I did, and Bright was just stood there looking bored as ever.


The song has nothing to do with the chapter , but... i just Love it!

Picture of , Jackson ... you're welcome ;P

hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry its short, the next one is ready ;)

ღ SM.Bella ღ


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