Chapter 27

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"MY DAD DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" I shouted, the emotions were too much to handle and i shut down completely and ran out. Last thing I saw was that Nora covered her face with her hands and started to cry uncontrollably.

I don't know how I got up the stairs in my room or unto my bed, all I know I didn't leave the bed until Nate came and told me Lea was on the phone for me. When we spoke she told me they were going to see Hannah the next morning. And I asked if I can go with, she said yes, way to excitedly if you know what I mean, I asked what was going on, and she told me Marcos was preparing a whole army to go with them, and he didn't trust 'the witch'. I assured her it would be fine, and she gave the phone to Marcos and I gave him my word that Hannah will be no trouble and he shouldn't freak her out, And bringing 2 dozen wolfs with him won't help one bit. 'She needs concentrate in order to do magic and she needs to be relaxed in order to concentrate' I reasoned with Marcos. After a 20 minutes conversation I finally managed to convince him to bring only two warriors, plus himself, Lea and I. I definitely could use the distraction.

When I hung up I noticed Toma leaning against the wall not too far away,

"How long have you been here?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Long enough to know you're taking an Alpha to see a witch" He said casually. Crossing his own arms.

"I see" I said, although I wanted to lash at him for eavesdropping, but it was my own fault I must have been so out of it not to notice him the whole time, after all he was just standing there, not trying to hide.

"Am going to town" I said turning back and started to walk out, I was still wearing same clothes from the morning and had enough money on me.

"Hey! go talk to your mom, give her a chance to explain" Toma said grabbing my arm to stop me, I tore away my arm and turned to look at him, my eyes were so cold, I felt him step away...

"She said enough, I really hope Nathan doesn't turn out like his coward parents" I spoke with such hatred, I hardly recognized my own voice. Then I left.

I somehow managed to walk to town buy Nathan's gift and walk back like a zombie, it was already late, I went straight to bed. Nora knocked on the door but I didn't answer it, I knew it was her, and she knew I was awake but didn't want to talk to her.

I hardly slept and before I knew it, it was 5 am, I got up and showered then got dressed in black top and black skinny jeans and a black converse. Then added a white jacket, I collected everything I needed and threw it all in the white hand bag. I went downstairs and headed directly for the kitchen, so far it was all clear, no one around, I was in a better mood than yesterday, after all I was gonna spend time with Lea and Marcos, see Hannah after such a long time... And I knew exactly what i'll give Nate for his birthday, plus my hair actually looked decent for a change, I smiled thinking about all the good things, I grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter then headed towards the phone to call Marcos, He told me yesterday they'd be here at 8, it was like 7:45 already but I still wanted to check and see where they were, I was getting restless, Before I managed to get to the phone I was interrupted...

"Going somewhere?" Jackson asked, I recognized Jackson's voice before I smelled their scents, I was getting rusty, good thing I offered to train the Pack because it seems like I need the training myself.

"At least she doesn't look like she's about to run away?" Fin said

"Awww, guys! Are you gonna miss me if I do?! Am flattered!" I mocked toughing my hand over where my heart was supposed to be, I don't even know if it's still there after last night heart breaking events.

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